Broken Soldier

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Poem entry 11/24/13

Broken Soldier

When you see a soldier
You would think they're strong

The first thing that comes to mind is they're brave and amazing

They do so much for you and everyone else in America

So when ever you see one they're proud to show that side of them
They wear their uniforms proudly

When they come home they're greeted by hugs, banners, and yells of appreciation

Outside they seem all happy to be home
Away from everything's that's been changed in them

All the horrors and brutality of training and actual combat

Outside they seem cool and collected and just the same as always
Same person you saw and knew before they left

But on the inside they are forever scarred and shattered
They are not in the same mental state as before

They've changed and everything you and they have known is there no more
They know more than you they know what life is outside our little bubble

They've been pushed to the brink of insanity
They've seen the horrors

They themselves might even have been scarred physically in battle
And not only that but they've seen friends killed right in front of them

Everything we think is horrible cannot match those that have seen the horrors
Horrible comes from horror

Horror itself is something that cannot be erased from your mind
It's forever a memory in you brain

They themselves have put themselves in danger for the ones they love
For they're own country and for those they don't even know

Soldiers of America are a glimmer of the definition of hope, bravery, strength, defiance, unity, and fragmentary

They're a definition of:

Hope because they give us hope that our country will always be safe
Bravery because they give up their own lives to save us
Strength because they find the will to stay and continue on the journey they chose
Defiance because they face many of the biggest challenges every day and still go on
Unity because all of them join together for one purpose and one purpose only serve and protect
Lastly fragmentary because they are all broken inside after they're journey through hell

Mentally and physically they're all changed
At night many of them can't sleep for everything they've witnessed or done all replay every time they close they're eyes

Whenever you see a soldier or even a man or woman training to be a soldier
Know how much of a sacrifice they're making
Pray for them all
The current
The training
And the ones who hope to be

Also remember all the words that equal each and every one of them....


This is dedicated to 2 of my uncles and cousin. 1 of my 2 uncles is currently serving for the war in Afghanistan, the other is retired and his son wanted to follow his footsteps. He was training to go into war. He took the test to check if he was mentally and physically sturdy for the part and passed. But my family have received some very sad news today that he had a mental break down and is now in a mental hospital. So I wrote this poem for all of the three members of my family that have experienced what it's like. And also for anyone else who has a family member or a close friend in the army. My prayers go to you and them.

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