Chapter 4

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I would have jumped awake if not for the strong arms that were around me

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I would have jumped awake if not for the strong arms that were around me. I was startled at first. It took me a second to remember what had happened last night.

I feel Luke's hard chest up against my back. I could feel him taking every breath, inhaling and exhaling. I could feel his feet tanged with mine. I could feel his face pressed against the back of my head. I could feel the budge in his pants against my butt.

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of it.

I slowly peel his arms off of my and slide myself off of the bed. I tip toe to the door and look over my shoulder.

He looked so peaceful, so... Handsome

Hitting myself on the head I walk into my own room.

*Three Hours Later*

"Okay you guys that sounds great!" I say once the boys stop singing. We just finished their voice lesson. Which isn't even really a lesson. They are very god, I'm just here to help with pitches.

I haven't been able to look at Luke rehearsal. He hasn't looked at me as far as I know.

I blush alittle thinking about his body up against mine, and how good it felt.

I look at my feet while they talk, not really wanting to draw attention to myself.

All of a sudden I feel two hands grab me at my sides and tickle me, I let out a squeal and start laughing.


we just finished our rehearsal.

I soon learned that Kailee is as better instructor then I give her credit for but I would never tell her that. I like the way she squirms when I look at her and make her uncomfortable.

I try not to look her today though, not after what happened last night. I had a weak moment that's all.

I in no way wanted to sleep in the same room as her let alone the same bed.

Did I?

NO I didn't..... at least I don't think I did.

I try not to think of it as I check my phone. This slut I met at the bar the club the other night keeps texting me. Maybe I should go out with her, but only because I want Kailee to know that I'm not interested in her.

I text amber back and accept her invitation to dinner. Smiling to myself I get up and leave the room.


*2 hours later*

I walk out of my room, on my way to Calum's room for some video games and pizza when I bump into Luke.

My breath catches in my throat as I take him in.

New black skinny jeans

A black button up

His hair still a little wet from having jus showered

He smells so good.

I know instantly where he's going. On a date.

Now I don't know that much about dating, having only gone a few in  my life time, but I know just by looking at him that this is what it looks like to dress to impress.

"Like what you see?" he asks interrupting my thoughts

"um.." I say looking at my feet

"Take a photo it lasts longer loser." he says with a smirk walking away.

I watch him walk away, unable to take my eyes off of him.

"You like him don't you?"

I turn around startled

"Wha- What?" I say when I see that's its Mikey

"I see the way you look at him Kailee, you like him don't you?"

"No" I say trying to look him in the eye to prove it but fail miserably.

"Its okay of you do. Luke may seem like a bad guy right now, but he really isn't, he just need more time to warm up to you." Mikey says with a smile.

So instead of  going to play video games with the other boys Mikey and I spend the night in my room with a pizza talking.

Its easily on of the best nights I've had in a long time.

I here some noise outside my door I get up to look to see who it is, taking Mikey with he for protection.

I glance at the clock to see its one AM.

I open the door to find Luke and some girl making out right outside my door.

"um.." I say trying to figure out what to do.

"Oh.. sorry, I fought this vas my woom." says Luke slurring his words. He's obviously been drinking.

"Come on Kailee lets go back inside." says Mikey shaking his head next to me.

"ok." I say looking at my feet as I walk back in.

"Dude I wouldn't hit that if I had all the liquor in the world in me, she's gross, but to each his own right?" I hear Luke say to Mikey.

"Shut up Luke" Mikey says closing the door on him.

Mikey stayed with me all night while I cried myself to sleep, every so often hearing Luke and that girl in his room. It was obvious to me and Mikey what they were doing..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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