Chapter 6: My true powers

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The frozen river. It's nearly no ice at all left. And I think that the ice on the waterfall soon is going to melt, too.

"We need to cross now!" Peter said.

"Don't beavers make dams?" I and Lucy asked.

"I'm not that fast, dear," Mr Beaver answered.

"Come on!" Peter said and dragged Lucy with him. I followed them, but Susan stopped me.

"Wait! Will you just think about this a minute?" she said.

"We don't have a minute!" I said.

"I'm just trying to be realistic," she said.

"No, you're trying to be smart. As usual," Peter said and walked away. I followed, but stopped when I heard howling.

"Oh, no," I mumbled and hurried up. After a dangerous climb, we were down at the river (I nearly fell twice!). We don't have much time to cross it now. I was going to step out on the ice, but Peter dragged me back and did it himself. He immediately jumped back when the ice under him sank down a bit.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first," Mr Beaver said. I nodded.

"Maybe you should," Peter agreed. Mr Beaver carefully walked out on the ice, tapping it with his tail sometimes.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs Beaver asked when cracks appeared in the ice.

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last!" he answered. "Especially with your cooking."

I followed Mrs Beaver out onto the ice. I walked slowly and carefully, but I nearly fell more than one time.

I wonder where Edmund is. I hope he's okay. I know he can be mean sometimes, but I still love him. I hope he's not hurt. I wonder if he met Mr Tumnus at the Witch's castle. I hope he's okay too.

"Oh, no!" Lucy cried out. I looked up. The wolves are here. I started to run as Peter screamed "RUN!".

We didn't make it. A wolf came down and blocked the way forward, and another was behind us. We're trapped!

Mr Beaver was held down by another wolf and Peter pointed his sword at the leader wolf. I realised I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm very afraid of wolves.

"Put that down, boy," the wolf said. "Someone could get hurt." He looked at Lucy, then me. I backed away from the wolf and stood behind Susan. She laid her arm over my shoulder.

"Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Mr Beaver cried out.

"Leave now when you can, and your brother leaves with you," the wolf continued. We backed away when he walked closer.

Wait. Did he mean Edmund? Where is he? Susan let go of me.

"Stop Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" she cried out. The wolf chuckled.

"Smart girl."

I kept backing, but the other had stopped. I stopped maybe a metre behind them, but I was very close to the edge of the ice.

"This isn't your war," I heard the wolf say. "And look at your sister. Clearly, she's terrified. Don't you want your family safe?"

"All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go," he continued.

"Look! Just because some man in a red coat..." Susan said. I didn't hear the rest, because she accidently pushed me when she turned to talk to Peter. I stumbled backwards, and fell into the water.

I screamed when my head went under the water. It was a really, really stupid thing to do. I watched the bubbles of air float up to the surface. I tried to get up there, but I realised I can't swim. Great! Now what?

I realised I couldn't feel my legs. The water's really, really, really COLD! My coat were gone by now, and I was nearly at the bottom of the river.  I saw nothing. It was completely black down here. I looked upwards and saw a tiny light. I wonder how deep the river is. I felt dizzy.

I just came to think about an otter for no reason at all. I always liked otters.

Suddenly I heard that melody again. It felt like it came from inside me. The necklace became warm.

I realized I wasn't cold anymore. It was actually pretty warm down here. I swam around a bit, and then swam up to the surface to get some air. I quickly dived under the surface again. The light over the surface was too bright.

I swam up so I came under the ice where my siblings stood. I saw my reflection, but... it wasn't me I saw. I saw the reflection of an otter.

I didn't really think about it at first, but then I realized... I AM AN OTTER??!! How did that happen? Can I turn into an otter? Has this something to do with my true powers, as Santa said?

A sword I recognized as Peter's sword suddenly broke through the ice next to me. I really have to talk to Peter about...

I realized why he had done that when the ice broke and I was pushed deep down into the water by the falling ice. At the same time, I was pushed forwards by the water. I swam up to the surface, looked around and saw the beavers. I swam towards them, but then I heard Lucy scream.

I dived and saw her. She didn't have her coat and she was slowly sinking towards the bottom of the river.

I quickly swam towards her.

I wondered how much help an otter could do. I dived and came face to face with her. She watched me, fascinated. Suddenly, I heard a voice inside my head.

(Bold italic: Lucy Just italic: Emily)

What a cute otter! I wonder why it's here. Maybe it'll bring me back to my siblings! I hope Emily's okay...

Okay, this is freaky. I can hear voices in my head!

What was that?

What was what?

Can you hear me, little otter? Do you understand me?

Okay, this is way too creepy. I think I can hear my sister's voice in my head. I swam up to the surface, I somehow knew Lucy was following me.

Otter? Where did you go?

I'm not an otter, Lucy.

I reached the shore and dragged myself halfway up. I realised I was human again. And I was exhausted. I coughed up water and my clothes were so heavy. I was slowly pulled back into the water again.

 "Lucy! Lucy!"

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy answered Susan.

"Where's Emily?" Peter asked.

"Emily? Emily? Emily!"

"Over here! Come quickly! Peter!" Susan suddenly screamed. I just couldn't open my eyes. I was so cold.

"Emily?" I felt myself being pulled out of the water.

"Emily please wake up," I heard Peter say.

"She's so cold..."

"Why doesn't she wake up?"

Everything went black and a warm sleep embraced me.

The fifth Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now