Chapter 8: The Witch's Camp

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 *Lucy's P.O.V*

Emily's still gone. It was mid-day when she ran away. It's soon midnight now. But I can't sleep. I'm too worried for Emily.

They've been everywhere looking for her. They've even been in the forest looking for her. I can't understand how she just disappeared. Orius had nearly caught up with her, then she disappeared into thin air. Maybe... No, it can't be.

I don't really remember what happened before that. I just know that I went into the tent, and suddenly Emily ran away. It feels like I've lost a part of my memory. Every time I try to remember what happened, I get a really bad headache.

"Lucy, Aslan wants to talk to us." Susan came into the tent. She had dried tears on her cheeks, but I didn't say anything because I knew I probably looked the same.

"Okay." I followed her to Aslan's tent. Peter was already there.

Aslan told us to sit down, and then he begun to talk.

"Children of Adam, unfortunately we do not know where your sister is. I must ask you; do you remember anything that happened before she ran away?"

"I don't remember anything," Susan said. "It's like I've lost a part of my memory."

"Me neither," I said. We all looked at Peter.

"I remember a bit of it. I... Emily and I were arguing. We yelled at each other," he said. "But I can't remember what we said."

Aslan sighed. He suddenly looked old and tired. But then it disappeared and he looked normal again.

"I'm afraid the White Witch has used one of her many powers on you," he said. "She took control over your minds and used you."

What? How could she have done that? We haven't even been near her. It's impossible!

Peter asked exactly what I just thought.

"There is many different sorts of Magic here in Narnia," Aslan begun. "This one of the oldest spells that ever existed. There's only a few who know how to use it properly. And the White Witch is one of them."

I didn't really listen while Aslan explained further. I got the point. The Witch had taken control over our minds and used us to make Emily upset so she ran away. But why?

I closed my eyes to hold in the tears that threatened to fall. But something very strange happened next. The sounds that surrounded me disappeared and I saw something. I saw a forest. No, I didn't see the forest; I saw it as I was running through it.

No, that wasn't right. I realized that I saw the forest through someone else's eyes. And that someone was carried by someone else.

(Again: Emily; italics, Lucy; bold italics)

Lucy? Are you there?

Emily! Where are you?

I'm being carried by a wolf through the forest.

I can see it. I can somehow see through your eyes. But how can you be carried by a wolf?

I'm currently in the form of a cat .I can transform into different animals.

I'm not even going to comment that.

Okay, it's happening again. When I fell into the river before, this happened. And now it's happening again. But that must mean that she was that otter in the water!

I also realised that Emily's voice was very weak.

Emily, are you okay?

Eh, no. That wolf kind of threw me into a tree when I tried to get away from it. I think I broke my ankle.

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