Chapter 7: Aslan's camp

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I woke up and wondered where I was. Then I remembered. I didn't feel cold anymore, and I'm not wet. I'm actually quite warm. I felt that I was moving. Someone carried me.

I opened my eyes and saw... green. It was my first thought. Nearly all snow is gone!

Then I head a horn. Then I heard birds, and... talking.

I realized I was sitting on Peter's back. I looked forwards, and saw a camp. A huge camp. Then tents were red and gold and some of them were green. I looked around and up on a hill stood a centaur. A centaur?! Then I remembered that they exist in Narnia.

"Emily! You're awake!" Susan exclaimed and Peter stopped. I climbed down from his back, but immediately tripped when I came down to the ground. Susan helped me up.

"You have no idea how worried we've been!" Peter said.

"How long..." I said, but then my voice broke. I coughed.

"Just a day, dear," Mrs Beaver said. I nodded and took a step forward. I fell again. This time, Peter caught me. He took one of my hands, Susan took the other and they helped me walking forwards, towards the camp.

Everyone stared at us when we walked through the camp. There were more centaurs, there were fauns, jaguars, horses, two dwarves and I think I even saw a bear! I didn't realise they were following us until I looked back.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy answered with a smile. I giggled.

We approached a bigger tent. It was red and gold and I knew this was Aslan's tent. A huge centaur looked at us, then to the tent. Then back at us.

Peter drew his sword.

"We have come to see Aslan," he said. Something moved inside the tent.

Everyone behind us fell on their knees. Even the huge centaur in front of us bowed. I looked at the tent. A lion stepped out of it. He was a magnificent animal. He looked frightening, but somehow I knew he would be nice to the people that respected him.

We fell on our knees, too. And then Aslan spoke. His voice was deep, but still friendly.

"Welcome Peter, Son of Adam," he said. "Welcome Susan, Lucy and Emily, Daughters of Eve."

I looked up, smiling shyly when he said my name.

"And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks," he continued. "But where is the fifth?"

I stopped smiling. I had totally forgotten about Edmund. We stood up.

"That's why we're here sir," Peter said. "We need your help."

"We had a little trouble along the way," Susan said. I felt really bad. I took Lucy's hand.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch," Peter filled in. At these words, tears begun to stream down over my cheeks. I finally realised exactly how worried I'd been for Edmund.

He's been away from us in three days. I miss him really much. And he's with the White Witch! She could have done anything to him by now! He could be hurt, or worse, had been turn into stone by the Witch. Or maybe he is... dead. No! I couldn't even think about it! He can't be dead. He just can't be. I don't know what I would do without him.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy said.

"I know, dear one," Aslan answered. "But that only makes the betrayal worse. This may be harder than you think."

I looked up and saw him walk into the tent again. The army behind us left to do whatever they did before we came. I felt dizzy.

"Lucy?" I whispered.

The fifth Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now