Chapter 14: Only the Beginning of an Adventure

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"Lucy, please! Why can't you remember?" I asked her. "Why can't any of you remember?"

"Emily, no games now. We don't have time," Peter said. "We're going out on a hunt."

"Hurry up Peter! I don't want to miss it!" Susan said. They began to walk down to the stable and left me standing behind.

"You girls stay in the castle, I'll get the stag myself," Edmund said and they all laughed. They disappeared behind a corner and their voices faded away.

It's been nine years since I became the keeper. I haven't aged a day. I still look like I did then.

And my siblings have now forgotten England. And nearly forgotten me. But now I know why. Aslan told me why they're forgetting me. It is because I don't exist in England anymore. I can never go back there.

I decided to not follow them out on the hunt today. I usually do, as an animal of course. But I just didn't feel very good today. Something not good was in the air. I went back to my room and continued reading in a book I found in the castle's library. It was about elemental magic.

I've noticed that I actually can control the elements, at least a little bit. I can make it a bit warmer in a room when I'm cold, and make it colder when I'm too warm. But that's not why I told myself that I need help to control them. When I'm feeling sad, angry or any other strong feeling, I'm causing a bit trouble with the elements. I can't control it. I don't even know how I do it.

That's why I need help, and this book isn't help at all! Frustrated, I threw the book over the room. A sudden wind made the windows close hardly.

"Still not any better?" Glenda said. I don't need the music box anymore, she showed me a spell that made her able to come and leave as she wanted. She was like a ghost. But she often knew when I needed help and she always knew where I was, all the time. It was a little creepy, but... it really helps.

"No, it's even worse now," I said. "I don't know what I should do! Glenda, I really need help."

She sat down on the bed beside me. She acted like she was a real person sometimes. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

"I may have a solution," she said after a while. "There is a woman I once knew. She was also a witch and very specialised in elemental magic. I think she's still alive."

"Where can I find her?" I asked. This is just what I need.

"When I knew her, she lived in the mountains beyond the Western Woods," Glenda said. "I don't know where she lives now, though."

"I'll start there and if I don't find her there, I'll search for her. I need her help," I said and got up. "Are you coming with me?"

"I can show you the way through the mountains, dear child, but I'll meet you there," she said and then disappeared. I was used to it now, but I was really confused the first times she did that. I ran out from my room, grabbing my cloak on the way out. I was on my way to the kitchen, but something stopped me. A sudden rumble, then something hit the castle.

I ran up to the closest window. I looked out over the sea, and my eyes widened when I saw it. I can't believe it. The sea was full of ships, but not any ships. These were battleships and they were attacking Cair Paravel. There was an armada out there.

I gave up my plans on getting to the kitchen and just tried to get out of the castle. It wasn't really easy, because the armada had catapults. They were slowly but safely destroying Cair Paravel. I need to get Peter and Edmund, now!

I realised I was stuck in the middle of the castle. The stairs were blocked and I was completely alone in this part. The good part was that the walls were gone on a few places. I ran out of a hole and changed into a bird in the fall. Then I flew as fast as I could away from the castle. I knew they were hunting in the Western Woods. I just have to get there in time.

While flying over Narnia, I saw that armies had invaded on many other places. I knew we didn't have a chance. Our armies weren't assembled, Peter and Edmund are too far away. Even if I did get to them fast enough, it still takes some time to call in the armies. If they even believe me.

I reached the Western Woods at the sunset. I dived down into the woods to see if I could find them. I saw their horses by the lamp-post. I changed back into a human and ran up to them.

"Peter! Edmund!" I screamed. I didn't see them, neither did I hear them.

"You won't find them, dear one," said one of the horses. Edmund's horse.

"What do you mean, Phillip?" I asked him.

"Well, they went down there an hour ago and hasn't come back yet," he said and bent down to eat some grass. I looked over to see where he meant and recognized the place. It was here we came through the wardrobe. Oh no. They must've gone back.

"Oh no! What am I going to do? We're all doomed!" I said and sat down.

"How come?" Phillip said, not sounding very interested.

"Someone is invading Narnia and destroying Cair Paravel," I whispered.

"There's nothing you can do without Peter and Edmund," Phillip said. Sometimes I really like his simple logic. He was right. There was nothing I could do.

"Phillip, can take me to the Western Mountains?" I asked.

"No worries. Get up," he said and I did.

The day my siblings went back to England was the day Narnia was invaded. And I couldn't do anything about it.


That, my fellow Narnians, was the last chapter of The Fifth Pevensie. That's so sad! I don't want it to be over so soon.

I want to say thank you to everyone that is reading this story. You're all amazing and it really makes my day when I see that someone has liked or commented on a chapter. I didn't really think that this many people would read my story.

There will be a fanfic that'll take place between the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, but it'll probably be uploaded after the other fanfics.

As always, please tell me if I do any mistakes. Thank you for a wonderful journey through the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

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