Chapter 2

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The next day was Olivia's Birthday. Her friends knew, but Olivia liked to throw huge parties on the weekend. Olivia was walking through the halls of Wentford High School. Her best friend, Taylor, was on her left and her boyfriend, Luke, was on her right. They were heading towards their lockers. As Olivia opened her locker she noticed the balloons and sparkles all over it. Luke and Taylor seemed to read her mind and yelled, "Happy Birthday!!"

She looked at her friends, shocked. She remembered she told them a couple of months ago, that she was not expecting anything, at least not today at school. Olivia usually threw a party on the weekend after her birthday, so she could have a nice, quiet day at school. Apparently her friends didn't want that to happen this year.

"Taylor?" Olivia questioned. "Why the balloons?"

"You know. A birthday wish from us, here at school."

"I see that, but--"

"Comon' babe. It's your 16th birthday. Let's celebrate!"

"Luke. Not now. We have Saturday for that."

Olivia closed her locker as they heard the 3rd period bell ring. They made their way to the chemistry classroom. As class started Olivia could hear some students mumbling about her. Why did they have to make a big deal now? Didn't they know that my birthday party was going to be a big deal? Olivia was brought back to focus when her chemistry teacher, Ms. Green, called on her.

"Olivia. Olivia, please answer the question."

"Oh! Sorry, Ms. Green. What was the question?"

"Now I know It's your birthday, Olivia, but that's no excuse for not know the conversion of inches to millimeters."


"Mr. Harrison. Do you know the answer." Ms. Green asked another student.

As soon as 3rd period was over Olivia and her friends met up for lunch. They met at their favorite table in the courtyard. It was a stone table that had 2 long benches on either side. Her group of friends all wished her a happy birthday, then they talked about their classes.

"Man, Mr. Carter's math class is really tough. But it might just be that I'm bad at math." Aiden said.

"Ya! But have you been to history yet. It's so boring!" Grace said.

"Well I don't like any of those classes, which is why I'm excited for the weekend." Luke smiled at Olivia.

"Aww! Luke. You remembered." Grace sarcastically said.

"Well Olivia's parties are the best. What's up with you?" Luke directly looked at Grace.

"Sorry. I just--"

"It's ok Grace. But I am excited for my party. You guys are all coming right?"

"Of course Olivia." Taylor chimed in.

"Ya. Count me and Grace in." Aiden smiled.

"Cool. I've been planning for this party for months. I hope everyone comes."

2 Days Later...

Olivia was getting ready at her house. Her parents and younger sister were going to be out of town which gave Olivia the whole house for her party. Olivia was setting up the finishing touches when the doorbell rang. Soon floods of people were at her party and it was rocking!!

 Soon floods of people were at her party and it was rocking!!

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The party didn't end until about 1:30 am. Once everyone left Olivia and her close friends hung out a little more. Then around 3 am Olivia's friends left. The party was really over. When Olivia went to her room, she saw that her "ex-boyfriend" scrapbook was left out.

She picked it up and looked through it again. Her mind was spinning but she was mostly just sleepy. As she went to bed her mind wander. At one point Olivia decided that when she woke up she would called Taylor. She needed someone to talk to. This book was a weird thing, and she couldn't get over the fact that she made it. Maybe Taylor, her best friend for the longest time, might have those answers.

However, Olivia would have to wait until tomorrow.

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