Chapter 10

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After English, Olivia and Taylor went to French class. They said their good byes to Ethan then walked to French.

"So when are you going to tell him?"

"Soon. I promise. Also What should I do about Luke?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know, but we should hurry to French. We are going to be late."

They rushed to French and made it just a few seconds before the bell rang. After French and their math class they met their friends by the lunch table, where they always had lunch. They had about an hour before everyone had to go to sports practice, so they all decided to go get smoothies.

"Hey Olivia." Ethan smiled.

"Hey!" Olivia said, then she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Luke.  "Hey Ethan. Could you give me a minute?"

"Sure." He said. Then went to catch up with Taylor, Grace and Aiden.

"Liv. We need to talk."


"We need to... " Luke trailed off.

"I know. I wasn't sure how we should do it though." Olivia said.

"I'll stop hanging out with you and Taylor. Or...or"

"It's okay. I mean don't think too much about it. We'll figure something out. But for now, we're just a couple of friends hanging out with our other friends, going to get some smoothies." Olivia half-laughed.

"Ok. Cool." Luke smiled.

"Now come on, we need to catch up." Olivia smiled as they ran to catch up.

After smoothies the gang went back to the school and went to their different sports. Olivia, Taylor, and Luke went to soccer practice. Luke's practice was on the other field. Ethan went to lacrosse practice. And Grace and Aiden went home. They didn't play any sports, but they would walk their friends back to the school during days they had sports practice. 

The next day Olivia walked into school. She was alone, but was hoping to run into Taylor. However when she got to school, Ethan was the one she bumped into, at school. 

"Olivia?" He looked up.


"Want to hang out tonight?"

"Don't you have practice tonight?"

"Ya, but-- Wait don't you have soccer practice?"

"Well ya, but I will also be playing lacrosse this year, in the spring."


"Ya, but you what did you what to ask me?"

"Hanging out?" He paused.  "Let's meet after practice, at the..."

"At the football field?" Olivia asked.    

"Sure. Are you going to be there?"

"Ya, practice is there." 

"Cool. Well, I'll see you in science. "

"Or English?"

"Ok, see you soon!" Ethan said 

Soon enough Olivia was in first period and Taylor was sitting right next to her. When she had a moment she would tell Taylor, about her little rendezvous with Ethan tonight. Olivia and Taylor walked  to their second period. 

"Tay. We need to talk."



"Oooh! Someone has a crush."

"He asked me out." 


"We should talk more later. " 

"Ya. We might be late to class." Taylor said.

They walked into class, right as the bell was about to ring.  

Olivia went through the rest of her day happy. She was excited because Ethan had finally asked her out, and they were going to go out after practice. After school Taylor and Olivia hung out and talked a little, before Olivia went back to school for soccer practice.

"So, Ethan?" Taylor asked, excitedly.

"Ya. HE ASKed me out!!!" Olivia half yelled.

"So when is the date? Where are you guys going? Tell me everything!!!"

"Well right now there isn't much to tell. After practice we are going to meet up at the football field and then we are going to go hang out somewhere, maybe get a bite to eat." Olivia smiled.

"WHAT?" Taylor said, "It's not planned. What if something goes wrong.." 

"Chill Tay. Why would something go wrong?"

"You're right. I'm going to try to be chill." Taylor smiled, then did some deep breaths.

After soccer practice, Olivia waited by the goal post. She had her phone on her, but didn't stress too much. Sometimes practices went a little longer. After about 8 minutes someone tapped her on her shoulder. She flipped around and smiled at the face looking at her.

"Hey!" Ethan smiled.

"Hi!" Olivia smiled back at him.

Later, as Olivia went home, she kept thinking about the date. It was perfect. She enjoyed hanging out with Ethan and tonight was fun. She walked into her room and texted Taylor. 

Tay! The date was great. I'm tried. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

As Olivia laid in bed she drifted off to sleep thinking about her date with Ethan and what she would tell Taylor tomorrow.

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