Chapter 8

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Olivia and Taylor ran into Luke after their 6th period. 'It was time to tell him.' Olivia thought.

"Hey Luke." Olivia said.

"Hey Liv! Tay!"

"What's up?" Taylor said

"Not much. So Liv you needed a ride?"

"Ya. I was hoping----"

"Wait you asked Luke for a ride? We always go to your place after---"

"Tay. We talked about this. Remeeber I told you Luke was going to take me home today." Olivia looked at Taylor.

"Ooooh right. Well I'll see you later. Don't forget to call me."

"Ok. Bye."

'Deep breath Olivia.' Olivia and Luke walked to his Prius. When we got in Olivia and Luke made small talk.

"So. How have you been?"

"Good. What are you doing in English?" Olivia asked.

"Romeo and Juliet. I got partnered with this one girl. I don't even know her. And she wants to do the kissing scene."

"Whoa! You okay with that?"

"I don't know. Like I don't want to jeopardize anything between you and I, but I can't get her to change her mind."

'Man. This is going to be harder than I thought. He really cares about me. Well I care too, but I have to tell him....I'll do it at my house."

"Ya. My English teacher is making us yo Romeo and Juliet too. But my partner is Ethan."

"Mall Ethan? The guy who sits at our table?"


"Well at least you know your partner, a little. What scene are you guys doing?"

"The orchard scene. Act 2, Scene 2." Olivia took a deep breath. 'At least he's not mad about the mall.'

"Good Choice. There are lots of thing you can do with that scene. Who did Taylor get paired with?"


"Sprayberry? Hasn't Taylor had like a major crush on him?"

"Ya. I think she's happy." They both laughed as they pulled into Olivia's driveway.

"Well here we are." Luke said, as their laughter died down.

"Want to come in? We could talk more or study for chemistry?"

"Sure. Soccer practice was cancelled tonight."

"Oh! Well let's go in." Olivia smiled at Luke.

Olivia grabbed them 2 root beers, then met Luke at her dining table.

"You're not going to do the Root Beer bit? It's so funny." Luke smiled at Olivia.

"Ok. But only because you asked." Olivia got into character, then said, "You drink?"

"What?" Luke went along with Olivia.

"You drink." Olivia pause, before reciting the next part. "Root Beer?"


"Then we can't be friends." Olivia and Luke burst out laughing.

"That's such a bad joke, but it's funny." Luke smiled.

"I know, but when you ask people that their reaction is always so funny. I pranked Ethan when he came over to study for English."

"Come on Olivia. You can't do that to everyone." Luke looked at her, but then asked, "Was his reaction at least funny?"

"Ya. He totally freaked out. I'm sure he thought I was one of those people, who drinks away their school day."

Luke laughed. Then his face became serious. "Liv. I think we should..."

"Talk. I agree." Olivia looked down. 'This was going to be hard to break to Luke.'

"I need to explain what happened."

"So I'll sit and listen. But I want to let you know, that no matter what we say we'll always be there for each other. Right?" Olivia looked at Luke.

"Ya. Definitely." Luke smiled at Olivia.

"Ok. so what happened?"

"The full story, started in English. Remember when I was telling you about my partner for Romeo and Juliet. Well I lied about everything. My partner is Sophie. She went to middle school with us. I asked her, because I liked her in 9th grade, and wanted to be her partner. She did want to do the kissing scene, but so did I. Yesterday or Tuesday, she told me why she wanted to do the kissing scene: She likes me. I didn't know how to respond, but luckily the bell rang before I could say anything. I was so shocked, because I thought everyone knew that you and I were going out. Anyways, I was going to tell her we needed to change scenes, but I thought I should ask you first. You know I love you and would never hurt you like Carter or Mitchell."

"Luke." Olivia looked down. She couldn't make Luke do that. She needed to tell him. "I need to tell you something important."

"Can you answer my question?"

"Don't worry, you'll understand, after I tell you." Olivia took a deep breath then just said it. " I like Ethan."

Luke looked at Olivia for a second then hugged her. He realized that they both needed each other. They were about to break-up. It was for the best Luke guessed. He pulled back and smiled.

"I had a feeling but I'm glad we are both being honest." Luke smiled.

"Thanks for understanding." Olivia said.

"You guys will make a cute couple." Luke smiled. "I can't believe I just said that."

They laughed for a second. Then Luke looked at the time. "Is it 4:30 already? I have to go. My parents are doing this whole dinner thing, when I don't have soccer and it starts at 5. Sorry to leave so early."

"No problem. See you tomorrow?"

"Ya. Totally. Bye Liv." Luke smiled then left.

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