Chapter 3

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When Olivia woke up, she called Taylor. Taylor was busy but promised to meet her friend at the mall around 1:00 pm. Around 12:30 pm Olivia walked to the mall.

She was walking on the 3rd story of the mall, looking at her phone when she ran into someone

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She was walking on the 3rd story of the mall, looking at her phone when she ran into someone. This person seemed to have a strong chest. She looked up from her phone. The face she looked at was smiling at her. He had blue eyes and light brown hair. He was white, but seemed to tan really well. He was maybe 2-3 centimeters taller than her, and looked like he was about to say something.

"Hi! I'm Ethan." He looked at her. "Are you okay?"

"Hi. Ya. I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's really ok. I get bumped into a lot." He joked.

"Oh!" Olivia tried to laugh it off.

"So. What were you looking at that was so interesting."

"Oh! Sorry about that. I was checking a text message."

"Do you mind if I ask from who?"

"Not at all, just my friend. He is just checking up on me."

"Oh! Cool. Wait a second. You look familiar. Do you go to Wentford?"

"Wentford High School? Ya. I'm a Junior. You?"

"I also go to Wentford. I'm a Junior, too."

Olivia looked at her phone. It was already 1:15 and she had 2 texts from Taylor. "Well maybe I'll see you around then. But I have to go. My friend's waiting for me. And sorry about bumping into you, Ethan. Bye!"

Olivia raced to the Forever 21, where her friend was waiting for her.

"What happened?"

"Sorry" I bumped into this guy, and--"

"Wait. A guy? Who?"

"He said his name was Ethan and that he goes to our school."

"Tall, brown hair. Good tan?"

"Ya. Have you seen him before?"

"Ya. He's on the soccer team."

"Wait. How do you know this?"

"I used to play soccer when we were in middle school, remember? He was on the boy's team. I used to see him right before the boys practiced."

"So you're assuming he's on the soccer team because of what you saw in middle school?"

"Ya. But it seems reasonable. Right?"

"Sure. Ok, ready to hang?"

"Ya. So what's been up. You said you had something urgent to talk about."

"Well I found a weird scrapbook in my room yesterday."

"Really? What type of scrapbook?"

"It had all my ex-boyfriends."

"But you've only had 10, not including Luke...yet."

"Hey! I'm not breaking up with him...unless I find a better guy, maybe."

"So should I prep him. With the whole thing?"

"No. I'm not breaking up with him."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Anyways in the book their was a picture, name, and some what of a description."

"Why do you mean description?"

"Well it had something that said his personality. I guess. Like remember Carter, the band guy."

"He was cute. What was wrong with him?"

"Well I think he was more into his bad my than he was me. Anyways his description was 'Loser in the Band'. "

"Oh because he was in a band? Well this is all weird but I don't think it means anything. Although I feel like you might have made it in middle school."

"Really? When?"

"Probably at a sleepover we had. Maybe during the sleepover you told me about all the guys you dated. And then maybe one of us had the stupid idea to put it in a book? I don't know or remember."

"Well I'm glad I told someone. But I feel like it was weird that I found it now. Like what if it's a sign?"

"You read to much into everything. Let's go."

Taylor ended up buying 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. She also grab a bracelet that she was thinking about. Olivia bought a shirt and a pair of shorts, that matched. It was definitely something she was going to wear and liked. They walked out of the store and both were hungry. They went to the food court and bought some french fries and milkshakes. Olivia picked up her milkshake and looked around. She noticed a familiar face.

"Ethan?" She mumbled.

Taylor looked where Olivia was looking and saw him too. "Omg! That's Ethan? No!"

"Shhhh! Taylor don't make it so obvious that we're looking."

"He is much cuter than in middle school."

"Well he's all yours. I'm with Luke. Remember?"

"But if you're in to him, not for much longer..."

"What do you mean?"

"You keep checking him out. So you obviously like him, at the very least."

"Shut up."

"SO you do like him."

"He's not my type."

"Since when did you have a type?"

"Since...Since Now!"

"Well you aren't denying the fact that you might like him. So new topic..."


"Let's go home. I want to see this scrapbook."

"Ok. Let's go."

They got up and cleared their table. Then they walked to the parking lot. They went in separate ways to go to their cars. When they got to Olivia's house, they went to her room. Olivia pulled out the book and showed Taylor. Taylor looked through the book and saw the same thing Olivia had told her the earlier that day.

"Whoa! What is this?"

"I told you, I don't really know, but it has all my ex's."

"Well this is, WOW! I wonder if you made it, then forgot about it, and now that you've found it your memory is trying top recall the reason you made it."

"You should be a therapist. You're good."

"Why thank you, but I'm going into Banking or Teaching."

"Nice! But no matter what you do I will support you in everything you do?"

"Thanks! Bestie! Well it's almost 7 pm. I promised my mom that I'd be home for dinner. I'll see you later. Bye Liv!"

They hugged then Taylor left. Olivia walks back into her room and put the scrapbook back under her bed. She would figure everything out later. She need to get some food. She ended up having left over pasta with her sister. Her parents were at a back-to-school night, and wouldn't be back until around 9, since they were going out to dinner, as well.

Walking into EthanWhere stories live. Discover now