the nameless part four

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I was so confused. When I got there, the cops were there and putting her in the back of a cop car, and then I seen Katie in the amblance. I walked up to one of the cops and said, "exuess me, whats going on here?"

"Stop right there. Who are you?" The cop ordered to me.

"I'm Trever Gold." I said. "Now whats going on here?" I asked again.

"Mr. Gold, do you know either Katie Double, or the women in custy?"

"Yes, Katie is my friend, and so is she, what happened?" I asked.

"please understand that I cant answer any of your questions untill we bring you down to the police station." she said.

"im not going anywhere untill you tell me what is going on." I demanded.

"that's fair enough. There has been an attemted homoside on Katie Double, and when I arrived I found the women that I have taken into custy at the crime scene unharmed." she stated.

"what? Is Katie all right?" I asked.

"Not really, she has lost a lot of blood and broken many mones, and there may be brain problems as well." she said.

"oh my god!!!" I screamed.

"Try to calm down Mr. Gold. Will you come back to the station with me now?" she asked me.

"Yes." I said as I finally caught my breath.

I rode in a cop car with the police officer that I talked to down to the police station.

When we got there I was lead into what looked like an intergation room, I was scared and I didn't know what was going on.

"ah. Mr. Gold. I am detective Smith. Come and sit down, im just going to ask you a few questions and you answere them truthfully then you will be on your way out." he said to me.

I went in and sat down in one of the chairs. The detective was a strong looking man, like he could punch through a wall of steal. He had perising blue eyes that watched my every move, and he had a side smirk on his face that made me feel uneasy, like on edge, it just wasn't right.

"ok. Lets get started. Where were you last night between the hours of midnight to 7:00 am?"

"I was sleeping in my bed."

"Do you know who Katie Double is?"

"Yes, shes my friend"

"Do you happen to know what she did and where she went last night?"

"Yeah. She was hanging out with me and our other friends last night at Ed's/Pizza bowling place, then after that she went home."

"sourses say that Katie had a best friedn. Do you know who she is, and if so how do you know her?"

"yes. I know her, shes kind of my girlfriend."

"well do you know where our girlfriend was between the hours of midnight to 7:00 am?"

"yes she was sleeping in my bed with me."

"did she seem stable to you. When she woke up?"

"yes, she was perfectly fine."

"have you known her to be violent aggressive or angry?"

"no, she is a sweet and nice person."

"did she get in a fight with Katie last night?"


"do you know if she has ever fought with Katie?"

"not that I know of."

"how long have you known them?"

"yesterday, that's when I first started talking to them."

"do you know if she was interested in scary things, torture, horror, blood, anything like that?"

"that doesn't sound like her, not no I don't know if she is."

"if your girlfriend was put on trial, would you testify for or against her?"

I don't know she would be on trial, but I would be on her side."

"ok. Thank you for your time, this was helpful."

"detective, can I ask you a question?"

"yes. What is it?"

why was she taken into custy, why would she have a trial. And who and why would someone do that to Katie?"

"I can see your not arawere of anything. Your girlfriend has been accused of attempted homoside on Katie double. The witness is Katie herself. She will be on trial to go to jail. And I don't know why she did it, but that's what im trying to figure out."

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