part six

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"How did you get out of jail so quickly?" I asked.

"I walked out. Now enough with your questions. Its time you die now." she said.

"who are you, why do you want to kill me?:

"I am Jacob, and you did a terrible thing to me. You must die for what you did!" she said.

"what did I ever do to you?" I asked

She didn't answer. She had a creepy smile on her face and took out a knife from inside her jacket. She was about to throw it at me but then she droped it and screamed then fell to the floor, when she screamed, she sounded like a girl again.

My P.O.V

When I woke up from my nap I was in the hospital, it starteld me a little bit. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the jail cell. I turned my head to my left and I saw trever sleeping in the chair next to my bed. As soon as I turned to look at him he woke up. He sat up quickly and stood up and ran out of the room with a scared look on his face. I didn't undertand any of it. Within seconds a nurse and a doctor came in and trever was hiding beind them.

"how are you feeling?" the doctor asked me.

"im fine, why am I in here?" I asked as the nurse was checking the monitoris that I was hooked up to.

"that's what we are trying to figure out. He said as he was writing notes a clipbored." we have a pretty good idea that you don't know or remember anything that happed. So trever is here to tell you. He will tell you, but he has orded you not to touch him."

"ummm....ok, whats going on here?" I asked

"whats the last thing you remember before you woke up here?" trever asked me.

"falling asleep in a jail cell after you came to talk to me.

Ok. I really need you to answer me truthfully. Did you have any dreams?" he asked.

I almost said no but then I remembered that I did have a short dream. "yes." I said.

"tell me what was it about?" he asked.

"I had a short dream, that after I fell asleep, I woke up in the jail cell and I some how had gotten the door key and let myself out, then I walked out the front doors of the jail. Then the dream ended and I woke up here." I said

"do you remember anything after that in your dream...broken glass, seeing me, a knife?" he asked.

"no, what does any of that have to do with me being here?" I asked him.

Then he pointed to a table in the corner. On the table was a bloody knife and pieces of broken glass. I don't know what it had to with me but for some reason I blacked out.

Trevers P.O.V

I didn't understand what was happing. When she saw the things on the table she fell backwards on her bed. I went over to her bed to try to help her, as soon as I reached her she rose up from the bed and got down and stood up without a word. Then she made her way to the little table. I was staring at her unbelievably. She picked up the knife and a sharp peaice of the glass, and headed out the door. I started to flollow her, but she suddenly stopped and without turning around she said, "trever if you follow me then you die too." it was that creepy mans voice again. Then she was gone.

"what are we doing standing here lets go get her." the docter said.

Just as I was running out the door I heard a loud sound and saw red and yellow flashing lights, I knew Katie was in danger, I could feel it. I ran down to katies room, but Katie wasn't there. All the windows were shattered, the bed was fliped upside down. I don't know how I knew I just did, that she had killed Katie, I was about to leae but then I saw a pice of paper hanging on the door form the knife. It read:


I was shaking when I got done reading it, it look like it was writing in blood. And the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, because I somehow got the feeling this note was made for me.

I took the note down to the police station. Im sure the detective will want to talk to me again. I was waiting in the waiting room for detective smith.

"back so soon Mr. Gold." he said as he came in.

"yes, Katie has just been killed." I told him.

"so ive been told, do you know how or by who?" he asked.

"no, but I found this at the place of her death." I said handing him the piece of paper.

"hmmmmm....." he said after a while. "do you know who wrote this and who it is to?" he asked.

"no, but I have a strange feeling htat this message is to me." I said.

"really now. What makes you think that?" he asked.

"because Katie and me are the only ones who knows whats really going on here, and now Katie is dead!" I said raising my voice.

"tell me," he put his face in my face, "what IS really going on?"

I moved in closer to his face, "trust me, you don't want to know." I said.

"believe me, I do." he said not backing away.

Just then a huge police man walked in wanting to talk to detective smith, he backed away and when out the door. Thank god, saved by the big man. I was running out of things to say.


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