Chapter one - fatty

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Josh's POV:

Calories. They're in almost everything. I can feel them when I choke down food, I can feel my weight increasing (is that possible?) when Tyler looks at me with sympathy... Or maybe it's disappointment. He's doing it now, that look, down at the untouched food in front of me, back up to me, eyes glazed over, lip between his teeth as if he's holding back words. Fighting the urge to say what? I'm glad you're not eating. You weigh too much. Maybe you should eat less. I'm worried about you (maybe not the last one). I know the look.

"No, I'm not going to eat that." Is he stupid? I don't need any more food, I've had enough, I'm already so fat. So much fatfatfat. All of me. That's all I am, just fat.

"But you haven't eaten in ages." Don't lie Tyler. I just ate... Two days ago? Three. I think... Does it even matter? It's all under control (not really. Who cares).

"At least tell me the what the last thing you ate was?" does water count? It had ice cubes in it... I should remember this. Should I remember this?

"An apple." Probably most likely. They're good, boost your metabolism. The faster my metabolism the faster I can lose weight, then I'll be thin. Skinny. Perfect. Happy.

"You need to eat more than that to survive. Please, I care about you." No you don't. It's okay that you don't. I know you don't. Do you? Really? Nope.

"Don't worry Tyler." I smile, standing up. I wobble, why did I wobble? It's nothing, it's fine. Perfectly fine. "It's all under control." (It's not).

312 words.

The parts in Tyler's POV will be a lot less messy and probably longer/more descriptive.

Slow updates because I haven't finished writing this yet and am under lots of stress at the moment

Calories (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now