Hi. I'm Lauren.

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3 weeks after the end

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado!"

I stirred awake as I heard a familiar name.

Who is Lauren?
Where the fuck am I?
Is this prison?

I look around to see the familiar surroundings, I'm probably in a dorm room. Most probably the dorm room of the girl I hooked up with. What's her name? Lara? Lacey? Laura?

I looked to the wall to see a doctor's coat with the name Lauren Michelle Jauregui - Resident Physician.

Oh, Lauren. Lauren is her name. She's a doctor like me! Well....She must be hot.

I stretched my arms out and I'm so darn sore. Why the hell am I sleeping at this hardwood floor anyways?

Oh god. Why does it smell like shit in here?

"Lauren!" The voice continued to call as I heard some pounding. Is that pounding of the door? Or is that inside my head? And, who's calling her name? OH SHIT WHAT IF SHE HAS A HUSBAND? I tried to stand but I realized that the voice belonged to a woman. Is that an angel? No.,no, no, is that Satan? Yeah, that must be satan, cause I'm pretty sure I'm in hell right now.

"You better fucking open the door, Lauren, I'm two seconds away from busting this door up. Imma beat your ass up too, don't test me."

Upon hearing that, I immediately realise where I am. Shit, I'm at my shithole of a dorm room. Correction, I'm on the floor of my shithole of a dorm room. And the voice calling me back to earth, the voice of Satan, belongs to Normani, my best friend. And I am Lauren. My name is Lauren. I'm who she was calling. What the fuck, I forgot my own name?

"I'm kicking this door down in 30 seconds if you don't answer, sorry" Normani continued to shout. I groaned and tried to get up, but my knees gave out almost instantly and I plopped back on the floor.

Aw, shit. I'm so fucking hungover. Damn you, vodka!

Normani continued to pound on the door as I struggled to move my limbs. Ugh. I'm never getting this drunk again, I swear.

Finally getting the strength, I prop myself up against my doorframe and barely opened my door. Soon as I peeked outside, I was met with a seething Normani who smacked me upside at the head when she saw me.

"Oww! Fuck, Mani! What was that for?" I cried, holding on to my head. It hurts so much!

"That, is for making me worried about you, and this" Normani pinched my ears tightly, "is for being a stupid asshole. I can't believe you!" She shouted at me as she barged into my dorm room. I stomped behind to follow her. I felt like a reprimanded child.

Once inside my room, Normani's face contorted into pure disgust as she saw how messy it was. It's the first time in weeks that I looked around at my room too, and damn, it makes me want to barf. There are bottles of beer everywhere. In my couch, my bedside table, my study table, even my bathroom door. The sink was full of stacked up plates that I haven't washed since the day. There are pizza boxes, Chinese takeout styros, pieces of chips, biscuits, pizza crumbs and spilled soda on my dining table and carpet, and that's not even half of the mess yet. My bed is so wrecked you won't even notice that there is indeed a bed underneath it because of the piles of clothing I left on it. There were dirty laundry mixed with newly washed ones. It smells like shit in here. No wonder I thought I was in hell.

"You.. Oh, God, Lauren what happened here?" Normani seemed dumbfounded as she looked around my hell of a room. I just shrugged at her nonchalantly and made my way to my couch.

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