These Things I'll Never Say

506 14 2

216 days before the end

Lolo, what time will we meet up? I'm borrrreeedddd 😣

A vibration from my phone disturbed me from my not so peaceful slumber. I groaned in irritation and hid my head under my pillow. After a few seconds, my damn phone buzzed again. Fuck you, whoever you are. I hastily grabbed my phone and saw the notification: Camila texted me. I decided to just ignore it, flipping the phone to the table and slumping my head back to the couch. I need sleep. I just got out of a tiring operation, and God, I have never missed my bed as bad. The patient we had was a high risk case and all hands were needed on deck. So here I am after three long hours of standing, finally given a chance for some much needed eye shut.

As I was drifting back to sleep, my phone's obnoxious ringing interrupted me. Oh, Jesus. I looked around lethargically, trying to focus on where the sound was coming from. The table. I fumbled around the messy doctor's desk, fetching the clammy device.

4:43 am.

Why in the world is Camila calling me at this time?

"Camz." I answered the phone lazily, still half awake.

"Lolo! Are you still on duty?" The brunette asked, energy bursting from her voice. How in the world is she energetic at this ungodly hour?

"Yeah, I'm sleeping actually – and you're disturbing me. What's up?"

"No need to be grumpy Lo." Camila retorted. "Well what sounds better, Caramel Macchiato or Woodland Mocha Frappe?"

I shake my head in amusement and disbelief. Only Camila would call this late, or early, whatever, for freaking coffee. This girl drives me crazy.

"Lolo! Still there?" She asked again when I didn't answer. I giggled a bit and rolled my eyes. Again, only Camila would elicit a reaction like that from annoying me. Seriously, this girl really brings out the 70's sap filled sweetheart in me, or at least according to Mani, Zayn and Ally.

"Caramel Macchiato, most definitely." I quipped, a wide smile on my face.

"Okay, I'll get a Woodland Frappe for moi, and a Macchiato for you! Be there in 5!"

"Wait, what? Are you going here?" I gasped. Not that it is at all that surprising, but damn. I look like shit right now. And now isn't really the best time to pay me a visit.

"Yes, silly. I'll pick you up? You get out at 5 am right? I'll just grab this and I'll be on my way." She mumbled haphazardly, obviously preoccupied with ordering our drinks.

God, no. My hair is wrecked, I have no makeup, and I am in damn scrubs! No way will she see me like this.

"Uh, uhm, Camz. I'll just meet you there. I have to get changed first. I'll just see you in 15 minutes, okay?" I answered quickly, panic obvious in my voice.

"Oh, okay. I'll order you food while waiting. See you in a bit love!" The brunette answered before she dropped the call.

"Bye, love.." I mumbled, wishing that she would hear it. My face was burning from the way she called me "love". I bit my lip softly, trying to suppress the huge smile that was threatening to break out.

God, Camila, the things you do to me.


"Took you long enough!" Camila teased soon as I sat on our usual booth. We're having early coffee at The Casa. It has been our go-to place as of late.

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