15. A Party?

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10K reads! 😱😲😙
Now I have the feeling I should do something for you guys

What about a Q&A?

You can asks as many questions as you want ^-^
So aks ahead

A new chapter
I hope you enjoy ^-^

- Maddie


"Don't be nervous, you're going to do great." I said, and grabbed Michael's hands. "I'M NOt nervous." Michael screamed the first part, but calmed down.

"Sure." I chuckled. "But you're a great band, they love you guys." "I know, but that's not the problem." Michael sighed.

"What's the problem?" "There are so many people." "So, you have played for many people before." "Yeah, but not this many." Michael nervously played with my fingers.

"Just pretend that you're still in the living room at home. I mean the lights are so bright, you probably can't even see the whole audience." Michael nodded.

"Thanks (N/N), I will try that." "Good, now I have to calm Luke down." I chuckled, Michael looked a little sad, but let go of my hands.

And I walked towards Luke, who was nervously walking around, and playing with the strings of his guitar.

"Okay, I don't think that's good for the strings, nor the guitar." I said, and grabbed Luke's hands, away from the strings.

"I'm so nervous, (N/N), I don't know what to do." Luke sighed, and sat down on the floor, taking me with him.

"Luke, you're going to do great." I said, telling him the exact same thing I told Michael. Luke nodded, probably not really listening to what I just said.

"Luke I'm serious." I let go of his hands, and cupped his cheeks, so I made sure he was looking at me.

"You are Lucas Robert Hemmings, and you are going to rock this show!" I said, and smiled. "You are the lead singer of the amazing band 5 Seconds of Summer! You're not alone in that stage." Luke nodded, smiling softly.

"And besides that, you're not the only one who is nervous." I said, referring to Michael, Ashton and Calum.

Michael was talking to Harry, he looked calm, but if you looked good enough, you could see he was shaking.

Ashton was nervously drumming with his drumsticks on the floor, while listening to Maddie, who was trying to calm him, and trying to ignore Calum.

And Calum was listening to Maddie, and playing with her hair, which made Maddie smack his hands away for time to time.

She just wanted to talk normally to Ashton, without getting destracted by someone playing with her hair.

"5 Seconds of Summer on in one minute!" Paul yelled, and the guys got up.

"You guys can do this." I said, and Maddie nodded. "Yeah, (N/N) is right." Maddie put her arm around my shoulder.

"Just do what you normally do." I nodded in agreement. "Easier said then done." Ashton sighed, the boys nodded.

"Come on, groups hug." I said, and we hugged each other. "Break a leg!" Maddie and I cheered when the guys walked on stage.

"Not literally." Ashton said, and he quickly followed the boys. And we could hear the crowd go crazy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You guys were awesome!" I said, and hugged Michael, and Maddie hugged Calum. "I told you, you could do it." I let go of Michael and hugged Luke.

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