Mind Games: Chapter 4

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     Leave this school? Don’t worry, I didn’t wish for any of these! But I won’t leave just because a stupid jerk says so. HA! I’m not scared of him. Who the hell do he think he is? Shoving people around. Ugh!

     I quickly walk to the main building. No one said about being late once the bell rings, damn. Kiel said that the Physics labs were located on the third floor so I skipped/run up the stairs, careful not to trip or something.

     When I finally found my room I harshly opened the door making everyone turned my way. Great. I hate getting attentions. (That means I’m not an attention seeker, HA! In your face brothah)

     The teacher cleared her throat and said “You must be the transferee? Would you mind introducing yourself?” Despite that she looks young and pretty, she has this intimidating aura going on around her which makes her kinda scary. I don't know why but my instincts tell me not to trust this woman.

     After five minutes of staring I took a deep breath and slowly walked in front of the class. I scanned my eyes around the class, they were all looking at me like I’m some sort of freak show. “Uhm, I’m Genevieve Montrelle.” I finally said.

     “Ms. Montrelle, my name is Mrs. Tenner and I’m going to be your Physics teacher all semester. Now, go take a seat at the back.” She said.

     Oh good, cause I was planning on ignoring her for the rest of my life. And the back seat just looks like a good spot for ignoring. I stumble my way through the back of the class. Several pair of eyes look at me curiously, others smiling. Should I smile back? It’s just polite to smile back right? So I faked a smile.

     When I reached my seat, a boy next to me was slouching, a book was covering his face that kinda look likes he’s sleeping. Well, I don’t blame him cause I don’t like physics either. And believe me, Physics with Madame Lea isn’t fun at all, and I can feel that this will not be also. But it’s just rude to just sleep in class right? I mean, yeah I do it all of the time, but I’ve learn my lesson because of that cold water issue.


I faked a cough. It didn’t seem to work so I cough a little bit harder, this seem to have caught his attention because he slowly remove the book that was covering his face.

     “If you’re going to spread you viruses all over the place better get lo-“ He didn’t finished what he was saying because we were both staring at each other... wide-eyed.


  There’s an awkward wind that blew before we snapped out our senses. “YOU AGAIN?!” We both said at the same time. He was the one calmed and I was hysterical that I unconsciously got up and pointed him. Weird right?

     “Ms. Montrelle.” I jump in surprise when Mrs. Tenner called me. “I understand that this is your first day in school since you were homeschooled right? But please, Do not interrupt my class. Take your seat.”  I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Some of my classmates were still staring at me and I just gave them my What-are-you-staring-at-back-off look, and they looked away.

     “Scandalous freak.” He whispered.

     “Shut up jerk.” I replied.

     Mrs. Tenner was talking about the free body diagram and I can’t really focus because of the idiot beside me keeps on grinning, I just look straight and try to focus.

     After a few minutes of trying to listen to the lecture I realized that it’s useless cause I hate Physics so I decided to doodle instead. This was probably the most boring class I’ve ever been. I place my elbow on the table and lean my chin to my hand to support it. I can feel my eyelids close a little bit.

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