Mind Games: Chapter 9

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     We were in the school’s parking lot. Turns out we just got here in time, but I still have to run to my class so that that witch won’t send me to detention.

     I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and get out of the car just as a flying fabric hits my head, covering my face. I grabbed it and scowl at Alex. “Thought you might want something to cover you up.” He said then walked away.

     I looked at the fabric and saw that it was a jacket with ‘MOREUX’ written at the back. Alex’s varsity jacket. I don’t have time to whine so I put on the jacket to cover my not-so-decent uniform and run to my class.


     I got to my class a minute after the bell rang. Mrs. Tenner narrowed her eyes at me then asked me to take my seat. I was panting and nearly out of breath. I have to double run just to get here. Alex is not here yet. I glared at his seat, guess I have to do all the explaining then?

    I can always jeopardize an excuse right? I can tell that I was doing our report when a helicopter landed on our backyard and all of the pages flew away. Or a dog ate it and I tried to make him poop our report but it didn’t. NAH! Too gross.

    For the past fifteen minutes, I’ve been squeezing my mind for an excuse. I kept on tugging my hair in frustration. Damn, this boy wants me to get bald. I’m done! I’m done with this stupidity! I should probably tell the witch the truth.

     The door flew open and Alex stands by it. Some courage he has for showing up. He’s fifteen minutes late for peat’s sake! I will kill him!

     “You’re late.” Mrs. Tenner said in her normal voice.

     Alex smirked at her. “I know.” Then take a seat beside me.

     I glared at him and he just smirked at me. God, what did I ever do to be with this jerk?! 

    Mrs. Tenner cleared her throat. That’s it? She’s not angry at him? That’s hardly fair! “If I remember correctly, your reports are due today. Please pass your reports.”

    I looked at Alex the whole time, amazed by how calm he looks like when the witch looks like she’ll skin us both to death if we didn’t pass any thick papers to her.

     “Ms. Montrelle.” I snapped and looked at her. “Your report?” She raised an eyebrow. She really find this entertaining. 

     I opened my mouth to say something but Alex cut me “It’s here.” He swayed a folder sideway that makes it land on my face. Hard. I slapped the folder away. Back to his old jerk self, ey? I'm starting to regret everything that I’ve said in the car. So, that’s just for a show? We’re still in the game.

     The witch eyed me suspiciously and took the folder from Alex. “What the hell?” I whispered to Alex.

    “I figured that you wouldn’t do our report and you prefer to rip your clothes just to enter a club, so I did it.” He grinned. My mouth fell formed an-O as he said it. Ok, this boy got issues. “No need to thank me, babe.”

    I scowl at him. “For your information Mr, I was just- aww, fuck.” I placed a hand on my head for support.

     It’s happening again. The headaches. I have them for as far as couldn’t remember. The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with my head and my brain, even. There’s no explanation to why I have these kinds of headaches. You know, like the ones that feel like your head is going to explode to bits. And every day it gets worst.

    It stopped for two years. Carol and my brother thought that it was finally over, that I was healed. But today, they were proven wrong. My body was literally shaking and I feel so numb. Why? Of all the places, why here? I frowned.

    “What’s wrong?” Alex extends his hand but I slapped it away.

    “Don’t t-touch me..” I managed.

    Breathe Gene. Just like what the doctor told you. It's not like I gone mad or something. It's just a terrible headache. Yup, that's it!

I was pre-occupied by my breathing in and out through my mouth that I didn't noticed that I was the only one left in the room.

Am I really that oblivious to my environment that I didn't noticed that everyone left?

"Yes." Great I'm talking to myself now.

"No." There is it again. Why do I keep on talking to myself out laud? People might think that I'm crazy or something.

"You are crazy." Stop it Gene! Stop it subconscious or I'm going to rip you out my body!

"Yes, totally crazy." But then again, when did I had a male voice? I look sideways but there's no one around.

Oh my god. What if it's a ghost? I heard that there was a ghost lurking around this building. What if... What if.. *Gulp* What if it wants to possess my body?

"I'm a ghost Gene.." He said in a creepy tone that makes my hair stood up. Gh-gh-gho-ghost?! My eyes widen. How come he knows me name? "I want to possess your body.. Come here Gene. Let me give you a hug.." Hug?! NOOOOOO! Hug me if you dare I'm going to call the Ghost Busters!

"Boo." And that my friends is where the world hear the most despicable scream ever made.

The scream turned out to be ear-stabbing that you would rather be deaf than to hear it. I covered my eyes with my hands as I keep on chanting "Ghost Busters." A roar of laugher flew around the room.

I opened one eye then the other to see an annoying piece of meat called Kiel clutching his stomach while laughing his ass out. I glared at him with full hated. "Ha-ha so funny." I bark in sarcasm.

"You... sho-should have.. haha.. seen your.. face! Priceless!" He spat while hysteria came through him. 

"I hate you, you know that?" Still glaring, I punch his right arm. "Why are you here anyway?"

"OUCH. No need to be violent there woman!" He said while brushing the tears that flooded his eyes while laughing. "Well, I was passing through the hallway when I saw you hyperventilating like you're going to give birth so I figured I should check it out." I stared at him blankly as his lips tugged into a smug look.

"Then I hear you talking to myself that’s when I answered back." He stared at me with an amused look in face. After a few seconds of holding back he suddenly laugh out loud again. "Seriously though. A ghost!" He bends a little bit and pats his knees repeatedly. "'Nooooo! Oh my god I'm going to call the Ghost busters! Ahhhh!" He said imitating me which turned out to be overly high pitched. How immature.

"You done being a jerk?" I asked flatly.

He straightened then looped an arm around my shoulders which I quickly shook off. Unfortunately, he just tightens his hold so that leaves me no choice. I turned to face him then kneel his crotch. I watched as he jumps up and down in pain. A smirk tugs on the corner of my mouth. “Now, this is a scene I find entertaining.”

I can’t take it anymore. I laugh my ass out just seeing him looking like a pussy. Just imagine a tall, muscular, good-looking blonde cradling his little friend while reassuring himself that he will still produce babies. “You little piece of...” I raised an eyebrow at him making him stop from calling me names. “Cheese!” He finally said which make us both roar in laughter.


A/N: This turned out to be short and not what I expected it to be but I think I like Kiel now. Hahaha :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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