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At 11:30 AM, my eyes open. I'm on the love seat in my room. It takes me a second to figure out why I'm here, but then it clicked. I was watching Netflix with Tyler, and then.... Well, that's all I remember. I grabbed my phone off of the floor and called Tyler. It rings once before he answers.


"Hey! Uhh.. What happened last night?"
I said. Honestly, I didn't even remember.

"You showed me your house and we watched Netflix?"

I felt relief. I could have sworn that I.. Made out with him. It was a dream. Thank god it was a dream.

"Oh, ok. What time did I fall asleep by?"

He takes a moment to respond.

"Like, 11, and when you did I just showed myself out"

"Okay, and you're sure we didn't... Uh- do anything else?"

He faintly laughs.

"No, Mae, we didn't do anything else."

"Okay. Are you at work?"
I say trying to change the subject.

"No, it's Saturday, I don't work on the weekends."

"Oh. Alright. I'll text you, okay?"


I say, and hang up the phone. It gives me a strong relief to know that I didn't make out with some boy I just met. Not saying that he's not fricking hot, but I'm glad I didn't throw myself at him like that. I totally like him, though. I put my phone down on the love seat, and get up. I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on. As I walk to my dresser to get some clothes, I hear someone making noise downstairs. I quietly walk down the loud and creeky wooden stairs. I tiptoe to the kitchen, and see my mom cooking eggs and bacon. "You're home?" I thought she had work today.
"Yes ma'am. I wanted to do something with my girl." She pauses, and the points to the food she made. "I made you breakfast" she says with a slight grin. "Okay,let me go turn off my shower." I walk back up the stairs and turn off the shower. On the way out of my room, I grab my phone. I hit the home button, and see that ty texted me. As I walk down the stairs, I read it.
Wyd today?

It hurts my heart to tell him that I can't see him today.

My moms off, she wants to do something with me :/

I lock my phone and walk to the kitchen. Mom puts some eggs and bacon on a plate, and pours me a glass of apple juice. After I finish I put my dishes in the sink, then head up the stairs to shower. I get a text from Tyler.

That's shitty. I really wanted to see you:/

Funny. I really wanna see you too. Wyd at 3 am??

I put my phone on the counter in the bathroom and get in the shower. After my shower, I pick out an outfit for the day. I pick a black crop top and some black shorts with pink roses on them. I get dressed, and then do my make up. Another text comes through.

Nothing. Why?

I answer right away.

Wanna hang out?

I slip on my shoes and grab my black book bag. I go down stairs and sit on the couch while mom finishes getting ready. Tyler replies.

Yeah. Wanna come over to my friend Josh's? He's chill.

Sure. See ya then c:

My mom comes out of her room shortly after I lock my phone. "So what are we gonna do today?" I ask as she fills her coffee cup up. "Well, I was thinking we would do some shopping, get you some new clothes. Sound good?" I smile at her. "Yeah. That sounds great." She walked to the garage and gets in the car. I get in too, and we drive to Easton towne center. We park right next to a red mustang. I feel my stomach tighten. I grab my phone or of my bag and text Tyler.

Where are you?

I quickly hit send and lock my phone so my mom won't see my message. We get out of the car and walk into the mall. As we are passing through the food court section, my phone buzzes.

Easton towne center. Why are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine, but I'm here too.... With my mom.

Oh cool!

I lock my phone. This wasn't cool. My mom can't find out about Tyler yet. Mom leads me to bath and body works, and she mosys around in there for a while. When we leave, we head to American Apparel. Just my luck; Tyler's in this store. I try to avoid him, but it doesn't work. "Mae! What's up girl?" I can hear his grin, which makes me grin. "Ty," I point to my mom.  It's almost as if she has eyes in the back of her head, because as soon as I point to her, she turns around. "Mae, is this young man a friend of yours?" I glance at Tyler. "I- uh, yeah. He works at the book store and he - uh helped me find a book the other day" she looks at Tyler, and then me. "Well, are you going to introduce me" I sigh a little. "Mom this is Tyler. Tyler, this is my mom." He smiles. "Nice to meet you," and he shakes her hand. "And you," she says. "I'm gonna cash out." She says as she walks to the cashier. " I'll see you tonight, ty," I walk to the cashier and stand by mom. She brand the bag, and we walk out of the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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