The S words.

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Daniel's POV
I swear Devin and Kevin can go kill they mf selves fuck them. Now, Jordan doesn't like me, and my two bestfriends are some hoe ass niggas! I can't believe this shit... this is all bullshit!
"Daniel Sepulveda..." The office clerk called out to him.
I'm going to kill both of them?! Why tf does Kevin all of a sudden have feeling for her?!
"Daniel Sepulveda?!" She called again...
He knew damn well I liked her and then for her to go back and kiss him... This is complete bullshit and its crazy!
"Daniel Sepulveda!!" The lady tapped on my shoulder and yelled...
"WHAT?!" I yelled back at her.
"Excuse me sir I called your name twice and you did not respond!" She exclaimed back at him.
"Oh sorry I was just-..."
"In the clouds maybe cause you got this huge knot on your head, but the principle would like to see you in his office now..."
I got up and walked towards his office with my head down. They didn't give me an ice pack or anything, due to the fact that it was a fight and that I caused it.
"Daniel.. We've been through this before, I'm tired of you getting into trouble and a fight?! Really Daniel.! Especially a fight caused by you and the fact that you fought Devin! Devin Gordon your bestfriend. It is unacceptable on this campus..."
"I know and it was a-...."
"No Daniel no excuses for this, It's the second day of school, and I'm tired of covering your ass you're suspended...!"
"Suspended?! My mom and dad are going to kill me!"
"Rules say that the person who caused or started ( swings first ) must be suspended for a minimum of three days. You should've thought about the consequences of your actions Daniel."
"This is bullshit..."
"I called your mother Mr.Sepulveda she's on her way."
I ran out his office, out the side door of the school, hopped in my car and drove away.... I didn't know where I was going I just drove any where the roads led me too. I finally ended up at a dead end.
"What do I do now?"


Devin's POV
People were saying that I won, and some people said that Daniel won. But I know i fucked his ass up. After the fight the guards escorted me to the restroom to clean myself up. I had a busted lip, swollen black eye, and a couple of bruises. My eye was throbbing really bad... "Man wait till I see Daniboy again ohh.... he gone catch his." I murmured to myself. After I cleaned myself up they took me to the office, I sat and talked with Principle Moore and told him what happened and they released me back to class. I walk out the office and see Daniel. Man we both looked fucked up. We made eye contact and didn't speak... I walked to my third period class cause we spent all of second in the office and third period was just beginning. I had Kevin for this class.
"Gordon you're late, go get a-...."
I handed him a slip of paper telling where I've been and he looked up at my face.
"Take a seat Gordon"
I sat in the back of the class with my arms folded and my head in the clouds... Thinking about my family and what was going on. What if life was better without me. ? Kevin moved to the back of the class to talk to me but I tried to avoid him. Knowing his loud childish self I eventually let out a chuckle and opened up.


Kevin's POV
Afterschool I met with Melissa at her locker.
"Hey have you seen Daniel? Cause he wasn't in my last period?" Melissa said.
"Oh wait I didn't tell you what happened... Daniel and Devin got into a fight in homeroom!" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. People began whispering and walking away.
"What the Hell?! You're lying? Who won?" Melissa said with a smirk on her face.
"To be honest... it looked like a tie..."
"A TIE?!"
"Can you please lower your voice Melissa..." I whispered in a gentle way.
" So did they get suspended or what?"
"Devin was in third period with me and he looked pretty fucked up, but I haven't seen Daniel, but I did talk to Devin earlier... "
"He told me that he gave no fucks about anyone or anything and how he doesn't care for us anymore. I guess after the fight Daniel knocked some damn sense into him."
"Well thats good... but-...."
"Wait I'm not finished. He told me something very strange he said "One day I'll be gone and no one will have to worry about me." "
"What the hell??? Does that mean...."
"I don't know but we'll figure that out later I need to see Jordan first."
"What about Daniel?"
"Fuck him and Devin right now I'm worried about Jordan not them."


To be continued...

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