New: Worlds (Chapter 9)

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Chapter 9: What are Avengers?

The fire was on and off. I looked at my body in disgust. There were a lot of burn marks on my skin. And the longer I just laid there, the bigger they got. it obviously didn't help that I was cuffed to the slab. The pain seared throughout my limbs as the fire came on and off. The other me had left two other me's to make sure I wouldn't escape. I was eavesdropping on a very interesting conversation.

"Hey wouldn't it be cool if there was another superhero who was like a robot?"

"Well what if it ends up opposing the human race because he thought robots were treated unfairly?"

"Maybe it could be a man in like a suit made of iron."

"You know what? What if there was a guy from another world who has really long hair and can control lightning and thunder and can fly with a really heavy hammer?"

"Or what if this guy from the forties was an American soldier and he got experimeted on which made him really strong so he was like the first superhero, and then he got in a plane crash an the plane landed in the ocean. And so the water actually froze him in time so he woke up in this age and now he's part of a league of super heroes!"

"Wow. That is really specific."

"I know, but like it could ever happen." The two me's started laughing. "Well, it could happen. I mean look at the Justice League!"

"I mean but a man frozen in time? that's ridiculous!"

"It could happen..."

"No it couldn't!"

"Yes it could!"

This sucked. How was I supposed to help save the world when I trapped in my own subconscious by myself with two of my selves who wouldn't-


"No way! Boss would kill us if we dis that!" One of them said.

"You have no clue what Clay would do to us," the other said.

"I'm Clay, not him! How long has he been bossing you around?" I held in the scream that was climbing up my throat from the pain. I didn't have a lot of time left.

"Like an hour," the first one said.

"And how has that hour been for you?"

"Horrible. Why should I stay here when I could be sitting in Clay's mind palace with hot girls? Because he's going to make me eat my own dick if I don't. Literally."

"Wait what? What mind palace?"

"Yeah. And I could be cooking pizzas right now. Or cupcakes. Yeah, cupcakes."

"Okay. Baking. That's great... Guess I haven't found that side of myself yet... The point is, let me out and we can overthrow the other Clay. If I'm in control, I swear to god you won't have to eat your own dicks. You can live in the mind palace or whatever as long as you get me out of here and help me overthrow the other Clay!"

"Hold on, why can't I be in charge? Why does it have to be you?"

"Because he has less of an ego than you, and he's smarter than me! Face it!"

The first one sighed. "Fine." Both came over to me and started to break me out. "The mind palace is in the center of this place. It's the only way in and out of here," the dumb one said as he pounded his fist on the shackles. After about 20 pounds, the metal cracked, and my left arm was free.

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