Chapter 3: Individual Training

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-----The next morning, in Curtis' POV-----

I woke up, made sure I had pants on this time and went onto the roof to wait for Stella. Erik was already there. We waited until Stella came.

"I'm going to teach you how to do different parts of your transformations. And I've decided to train you separately today." She told us. "You're first, Curtis." Erik and I looked at each other, I shrugged at him and climbed onto Stella's back. She took me to the forest at the foot of the mountain where her cave was. I got off her back and she transformed into her human form.

"I'm going to teach you how to hunt and fight as an Adlet." She told me. "First, you need to transform again." I obeyed her and went into my wolf form. "Good. First, how to hunt. You need to find the scent of your prey and follow it. Once you find it, stay upwind so they can't smell you. Your instincts should tell you the rest." I sniffed the air. Deer. I followed the scent until I could see it grazing. It was a full grown buck. I stayed upwind of it and crept closer to it. Once I was within attack distance, I went for it. I jumped onto its back and killed it with a death bite to its neck. It fell limp on the ground. Stella walked over and inspected my prey.

"What do I do with it now?" I asked her.

"You eat it. You caught it, you killed it, you eat it. But, you must thank the Great Spirit before you eat it, for this animal's life is going to continue yours." My stomach growled. I forgot I haven't eaten anything today. Thank you, Great Spirit. I took a bite from the deer. Not half bad. I ate the deer, then something leaped out at me and knocked me to my back. It looked like a giant cougar. I kicked it off me and quickly got to my feet. The cougar growled at me and pounced at me again. I jumped outta the way and jumped onto its back, biting its neck. It growled in pain and slammed me into a tree, but I didn't let go. Once I got my feet on the ground, I threw it into a different tree. It got up and started circling me. I jumped at it and knocked it onto its back, then slashed its stomach with my claws. It kicked me off it and ran away.

"What was that?" I asked Stella, who dropped down from a tree.

"Werecougar. It probably thought you were hunting in its territory. And no, I didn't set that up. I think it's time to take you home. I'll come back for Erik." I turned back into a human, she turned into her bird form and flew me back home.

"Erik! I'm home!" I called as I walked inside. He was sitting on the living room couch, reading a book. He looked up at me and closed his book.

"How'd it go?" He asked me.

"Good. I can hunt and fight as an Adlet now."

"Cool... Did, uh...anything else happen?" I know where he's going with this.

"You mean, like, with Stella and I?"

"...Did something happen with you two?" I started laughing.

"You're pretty much admitting you love her!" His face started to turn red.

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are! You know you love her! Just admit it!"

"No I don't!"

"If you're jealous of us, then that means you love her!"

"I do not love Stella!"

"Erik." Stella's voice came from behind us. We turned around and she was standing outside an open window. "It's time for your training."

"...How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. Now come on." We looked at each other and I shrugged at him. Erik climbed out the window and went with Stella. If only he would admit it to himself.

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