Chapter 4: Voltaire

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Once I opened the door, I saw Voltaire looking scared outta his mind.

"You gotta hide me, guys!" He begged.

"Voltaire? Hide you from what?" I asked.

"They're gonna kill me! Please, hide me!"

"Come inside." He burst in and Stella and Curtis walked in.

"What's wrong?" Stella asked.

"They're gonna kill me!" Voltaire said.

"Who's this?"

"Voltaire. We did a show with him once." I answered.

"Where is he?!" A voice asked from outside. Stella stood next to me to look out the doorway. There were these creature I've never seen before flying outside. They looked like aliens with bat wings.

"Let me handle this." Stella said, then walked outside.

"No!" Voltaire exclaimed, but was too late. She was already outside. They all crowded around her.

"Do you know where the Kludde is?" One asked her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. But you might want to leave, before things get ugly." They started laughing.

"What could you do?" One suddenly caught on fire as it screamed in pain. It ran around screaming and we could see Stella. She started sparking and grew out her talons.

"Leave now. Or else."

"Why, you little-!" One jumped at her, but she shocked them all. It fell to the ground and she slashed its throat open. The other two flew away. Stella retracted her talons and walked back inside.

"That's taken care of. Your welcome."

"What were those things?" Curtis asked.

"Mothmen." She looked at Voltaire.

"Voltaire, this is Stella. Stella, this is Voltaire."

"Hello." She said, then her eyes widened in realization. "Now I see what they were talking about."

"What?" Voltaire asked her.

"You're a Kludde."

"A what?" I asked.

"A Kludde. They're shape-shifting entities."

"I don't think Voltaire's a shape-shifter, Stella." She looked at me.

"Neither did the two of you. And look where we are now."

"She has a point." Curtis said. "How do you know he's a Kludde?"

"I can see the blue fire in his eyes. And he has the scent of a Kludde." She looked back at Voltaire. "You can transform into a large black dog with blue fire around its head and many other forms.

"Wait, wait, wait." Voltaire interrupted. "You know why I can do all that?!"

"You didn't?"

"No. I just knew I could do them. I never knew how." I looked closely at his eyes. I can see the blue fire!

"Wait, I'm getting something." Stella's eyes started glowing for a few seconds, then the glowing faded and looked at Voltaire. "The Great Spirit wants to see you, Voltaire."


"Just go." Curtis told him. "It's best not to make her angry." I nodded in agreement.

"Come with me." She told him, then walked to the roof. Voltaire reluctantly followed her.

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