| two |

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[Hope you enjoy chapter two. <3]



Stiles walked in The Grill and walked over to the bar. He hadn't had anything to drink in a while. Now would be a good time, so he took a seat next to some random guy.

"What can I get ya?" A hot young blonde asked him.

"Jack Daniels on the rocks?" Stiles questioned and the lad laughs.

"How about coke on the rocks?" He says instead.

"Fine" Stiles huffs out and amuses the bartender.

He puts the drink down and Stiles reaches for his wallet.

"It's on me." He say making Stiles smile.

"Thanks...?" Stiles asked for his name.

"Matt. My names Matt. Yours?" He asked.

"I'm Stiles." I told him

"That's a strange name."

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

I peered over at my neighbor's cup and saw he was drinking alcohol and seemed to be the same age is himself.

"Wait that is so not fair, he is like the same age as me and you serve him and not me!" Stiles speaks up without noticing.

Both men look at him and Stiles cheeks redden at the intensity of the stare.

"If you take a sip of your ' coke ' you will notice there's an extra kick to it." The bartender 'Matt' tells him.

Stiles doesn't take a sip he throws the coke and Jack down in one go. Matt and his Neighbor look mildly impressed.

"Stefan." His neighbor said sticking his hand out to shake.

Stiles took it gladly and finally got the chance to really look at the guys face.

He was quite attractive.

"I'm Stiles." I told him in response.

"That's an interesting name." Stefan says.

"Yeah, i'm used to it though." I told him. He nodded.

Then I turned around and faced everyone else in the restaurant, looking for my cousin.

Then I spotted her at a table full of other people i didn't know. Except for Elena And Bonnie. We played together as kids.

"Excuse me, but I have to get see those ladies over there." i told Matt And Stefan.

They scoffed.

"Don't waste your time buddy." Matt said.

I smile and saw "I bet you each fifty dollars that I can get the blond one to hug me in five seconds" I say slapping down a fifty from his wallet on to the bar.

Stefan grabs for his own wallet and puts fifty on too and says "You're on." Me and Stefan look at Matt and the Man just grins.

"My wallet is in my locker, but you're on." He smiles and I hop off the bar stool and walk over to the table the girls sat at with their other friends.

Elena sees me before Caroline does and when I tapped Caroline's shoulder she jumped out of her seat and hugged me tight.

"Stiles what are you doing here?" She asks still hugging him tight.

"I will explain just give me one second." I said and ran back to the bar laughing and grabbed my fifty and Stefan's fifty and shoved them into my pocket.

"That was cheating." Matt huffs out.

"Actually it was quite genius, how do you know Caroline?" Stefan asks.

"She's my cousin." Stiles explains.

"No way" Matt laughs and makes Stefan and me look at him confused.

"Me, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena used to play with you when you came down here. I was Matthew back then." He smiled.

"Matty! I remember you!" I smiled.

"I'd hope so. You were my first kiss." Matt laughed.

"Oh, yeah... mine too" I blushed red.

"Really?" Stefan asked.

"I think it was you that turned me gay. Because after that summer danny and Jackson got hotter" I said.

Stefan bursts out laughing and he can't stop. 

I saw out the corner of my eye, all the people from Caroline's table are looking at them and I saw a quick flash of something on Elena's face.

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