| ten |

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[here's ten. enjoy!



"I drained your phone battery, in fact Techsanious brickenom muliplus" Stiles tells her and his eyes light up at the brilliant idea.

"What did you just do?" Caroline asks.

"Drained everyone's phones." Stiles smiles.

"You need to get over yourself." She tells him face serious as ever.

"Wait I'm confused are you mad because you can't text Stefan or because you can't text Tyler?" Stiles smirks when she shouts out a bunch of loud excuses, waking the other two girls in the process.

"Caroline, you can do much better than Tyler in fact when we get home and before I leave to go back to Beacon Hills I'm going to break a few of his bones." Stiles smiles not realising what he actually says.

"Wait what?" Elena asks.

"What are you talking about?" Bonnie asks as well.

"Stiles you can't be seriously thinking about leaving, all because of Stefan." Caroline shouts.

Stiles is mentally cursing himself because seriously only he could reveal something in a haste to get them to stop talking to him, but it seems his revelation is working in a totally opposite way.


Stiles pulled into the hotel that Bonnie booked on her phone before he drained them all obviously.

They all pile out of the car and Stiles is left to grab their bags because they all run off inside to get out of the pouring rain and get their keys to the motel room.

They come back with one key.

"One room? There are four of us." Stiles tells Bonnie.

"I know I got two double beds, you're gay and it's not like it matters." Bonnie giggles.

Stiles is cut off from saying anything because a car pulls up right next to him.

And out gets none other than Stefan.

"Stiles." Stefan says he has a smile on his face, he steps out the car and his perfect hair is drenched in a second just like Stiles and the girls' are.

"We will go put the bags away." Elena says ripping them from Stiles Iron grip and the three girls run to the safe sanctity of their motel room.

"Stefan look...." Stiles goes to say but he's cut off by Stefan roughly shoving him into the Jeep.

"What you going to? Beat me up because I like you? You do know I can kill you with my thoughts right?"Stiles spits out, the rain is getting in his eyes so he has to blink a few times.

"Shut up." Stefan sighs and Stiles is about to retort but he's cut of by cold wet lips shoved against his own chapped and wet lips. The kiss is rough almost claiming, the way Stefan moans into the kiss does things to Stiles that no one ever has.

Stiles puts his hands on Stefan's shoulder and shoves him back slightly.

"You think this is funny? You find out I'm in love with you and you find me and kiss me what you getting some sort of thrill from this?!" Stiles hisses, his eyes tearing up but the rain hides it.

"Stiles shut up and listen to me, I love you I have for a while and I'm pissed off that you drove away instead of letting me tell you that." Stefan hissed back.

"You love me?" Stiles asks shivering. He doesn't know if it's from his words or the ice cold rain.

"I have since I first met you, when you were talking to Matt about kissing him I got so Jealous and I didn't understand because I've never felt this way before." Stefan says with a smile.

"That you like a guy?" Stiles whispers again.

"No, being truly and utterly in love with someone this much, before." He smiled.

"Y-you really love me?" Stiles asks again.

"Of course I do. What's not to love?" Stefan tells him crashing their mouths together again.

"How did he know where we where?"Elena asks from on the balcony where all the girls are looking down at their two friends kissing in the rain.

"I messaged him where we were going and what hotel as soon as I booked it." Bonnie announced.

"You sneaky devil." Caroline smiles.

"Well it worked didn't it." Elena smiles.

"Hey if you two don't get out the rain you'll get a cold." Bonnie shouts down to them.

"Well maybe not Stefan but Stiles can still get Sick." Caroline corrects.

The boys just ignore the girls and continue to kiss each other senseless. Fuck the rain.

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