i can still remember

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the air was brisk that night,
our cheeks were red from laughing and the wind blowing hard through the open windows of your car.

there was music playing but the wind and your gaze swallowed most of it for me, i would take your voice over the singer's sorrows any day.

we didn't care when it started to rain, you liked how the drops were slowly hitting the windshield, making a rhythm that i caught you slowly swaying your head to.

i played with my thumbs and took deep breaths for awhile when silence hit. it didn't strike me soon enough that it was clear you could tell i was worrying about something.

in that moment you spoke with your eyes. you looked at me with that starry gaze and raised your eyebrows just slightly.

when i looked away quickly, somehow you understood.

your eyes returned to the road but you removed a hand from the steering wheel.

your hand found mine, the feeling of you touch sent goosebumps down my arms, i was blushing but you couldn't tell. i saw a smirk escape your lips.

any fear or anxiety i was having became blurry, my focus in that moment was you.

it felt so perfectly unreal,
you are a living dream darling,
thank you.

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