a short story pt. one.

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in case you were having a bad day, i tried to write a sweet story.

your hair looks really cute tonight,
i've noticed you like to play with it when you're nervous.
we're sitting in a fancy restaurant,
but the world around us is invisible.
we talk for years,
about feminism, music, tv shows, and basically everything else in existence.
i compliment you,
a lot.
each time,
you look down and smile.
i could look into those beautiful brown eyes for ages.
the check comes,
we split it after an awkward argument about who was going to pay.

"do you want to go back to my house and watch a movie or something?"

i ask, because i am an awkward dork.

"thought you'd never ask,"

you reply, because you're a normal human being.

we take a cab back to my flat, it's raining hard and of course neither one of us brought umbrellas.
traffic is so bad that the cabbie had to drop us off across the street.

there's no way we can make it through the crosswalk. it'd take ages.

"keep up!"
is all i hear from you before you've grabbed my hand and ran through the traffic, weaving through the stopped cars.

they say there is a limit to how much you can love somebody, you're a counterexample to that.

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