New Quest

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   Finally I can't sleep Hope thought. Storm had been talking all day about new ideas for the pack. *sigh* I hope that I learn more about my new found gift. Hope lay down in her den. Finally Storm left. Hope closed her eyes "Hope"a random male voice asked curiously. "Yes...wait! Who are you" Hope demanded an answer. "Fine then, if you don't want to learn about your new found gift then, I will leave"the old wolf said. Wait! Hope thought to her self could he be! "Your one of my elders" Hope realized. "Yes, I actually am one of the wolves that are blessed with what you call The Howl of the Elders. I actually helped make the Great Rock" the Elder wolf said. "Why...Why are you talking too me" Hope questioned. "I'm here to help you learn about your gift" the wolf said. "How will you do that, I can't learn all about The Howl of the Elders in one dream or nightmare or ... what ever this is" Hope had become overwhelmed. "Calm down young Alpha, I know this is a lot to take in" the stranger wolf said. "Now, calm down" Hope took a deep breath. " Young descendant, in order to train your new power you must go to the high mountain and see The Wise One" he said. "Ok...Let me get this straight, a random elder wolf shows up in my dream with any notice and now you expect me to climb the high mountain" Hope said with confusion. "Oh yeah, I'm and Sire" he said. "And who is The Wise One" Hope asked. "I dont know, they just call him The Wise One" Sire said. "One more question" Hope said. "Yes" Sire responded. "Isn't The Wise One like really old" Hope questioned. "Ah yes, ones who are strong with the howl can live up to 10x the normal life of a wolf" Sire explained. Hope's tail started to wag, "can me and Alex become that strong with the howl" Hope asked. "That is something I don't know but the faster you get to The Wise One, the faster you learn and the stronger you get with the howl" Sire explained. "I'll tell Alex when the sun wakes up" Hope declared. "Smart young Alpha" Sire said. With a tip of the snout, Sire was gone and Hope slept peacefully.
      ***      ***        ***

   "Hope" Alex's sweet voice woke her up. "You were yipping in your sleep" Alex continued. "Yea...I need to talk to you." Hope said. "Yes Hop... I mean Alpha" Alex sputtered. "Last night I had another dream" Hope started. Alex gasped. "But, I didn't see mother and father. I saw an old wolf. His name was Sire. He helped create the Great Rock. He said in order to fix our problem we must see The Wise One" Hope explained. "That a dangerous quest" Alex almost was yelling. " I know but we can take another wolf with us" Hope said. She then thought about Pride. He is our strongest fighter. And while I'm gone Storm can lead the pack. "Alex! We can bring Pride. He is trustworthy and Storm can be in charge of the pack" Hope said. "Yea, I'll go get him" Alex started to walk away. "WAIT" Hope yelled. "Pack, I have an announcement" Hope said with pride. "I know this sounds crazy but me and Alex are born with The Howl of the Elders. Me and Alex are going to go see The Wise One" Hope announced. "You can't do that alone it's too dangerous" Shadow sounded worried. "I know, I would like to ask Pride to travel with us for extra protection" Hope said and then looked to Pride. He then stepped forward and said " I would be honored to travel with you my Alpha". "Great. While I'm gone Storm is in Charge and everyone will listen to him or answer to me" Hope said as she bared he sharp teeth. Then, Hope, Alex and Pride left on there quest too see The Wise One.

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