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Brynn POV:

Wow today i'm turning 14. Why do i sound so scared it's only a number i mean what could go wrong

"Happy birthday brynn!!" Jacob hugs me and i smile "thanks jacob" he looks around and sits on my bed

"Hey um why don't you go Annie's today" he says i know what he's doing let's just say jacob is the worst lier ever

"i know what your doing jacob and it's not working you are not throwing me a surprise party"

He puts his hand on his chest and fake gasps "why do you think i would do that to my very own sister!" He says sarcastically

I glare at him followed by a smile "stop jacob you know i hate parties, just do me a favour and not throw it kk?" I pat him on his shoulder

And walk past him i was going to Annie's house because she wanted to talk to me

I walk outside and run to Annie door which was wide open i see Annie inside crying

Annie has always been older than me she turned 14 2 months ago.

"Annie?! What's wrong?!" I say she stares at me with red in her eyes it looked like they've been stinging for ages

"It's B-brennan!" She says hugging me tight

I get concerned Brennan and annie relationship was weird they always went on and off

It was hard to keep up with them

"What about him?" I say

"H-he has another girl and h-he got her p-pregnant" she says wailing out to me

I stand there in shock "annie oh my gosh i cant believe this" i say hugging annie tight

Brennan was now 17 we haven't talked much but i never knew he would do this

"Annie we'll get through this together okay?" I say smiling at her

She smiles back wiping her tears blater
blurting out the words okay she walks upstairs to her room leaving me in the living room

I feel hands wrap around my waist i roll my eyes and laugh "Caleb!" I say and turn kissing him on the cheek lightly

"Hey happy birthday brynn" he smiles "just to warn you i don't have a present yet but later on-"

"Typical Caleb" i laugh

"Whoa,whoa,whoa slow your roll i said i was gonna take you on a date" he smiles

"Yes!!" I say and hug him

Annie POV:

I Fall onto my bed and stare at the ceiling for a good 2 minutes with Caleb and brynn's love talk downstairs in the background

I roll my my eyes and pull my laptop towards me opening twitter and saw tweed from Brennan

Brennan101: love my baby girl @/liadallas to bits 😘

Brennan101: just got the gender hope everyone is happy with a girl!

I roll my eyes and shut my laptop covering my face with my hands "why me?!" I groan "why do i have to suffer"

Then i see my private message pop up it was jacob

Xjacob.r: hey wanna get together like on a date?

I smile and reply

Acroannie: sure how is today for ya?

Xjacob.r: i'm down see you later
Hey sorry if this sucked but hey new chapter here 😂
So ik i shouted her out before but pls read girllmeetsfanfic new book 'girl online' it is so amazing and such a good book
Comment on it too!!!
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