meeting bratayley?!

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Guys i went playlist and i met bratayley okay i'm legit still shaking
Because i was like so nervous and excited omg 😂😂

Hayley & Annie were so nice and i got pictures and stuff i'm just kinda sad i can't get a chance to meet Caleb 😭
But i'll meet him in heaven sooner or later 💜

I also told Annie about my watt pad story 😂 why idk she's not gonna read it but yolo 😂 ( does anyone say that anymore idk lmao 😂 )

I got Hayley that satisfying smile stuff 😂 and a teddy for her birthday 💓

Anyways i'm going to update the story soon and when i say i mean when i'm not shaking uncontrollable 😂👌

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