Chapter 6: I Wanna Chain You Up

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            He turns to me and his crazy blue eyes meet mine but I look away quickly. He grins and runs his tongue over his silver filled teeth. "Ah, there she is," he says walking closer to me, running his hands through his bright green hair. My heart pounds more heavily in my chest with every step he takes. Soon he is only inches away from me, I can feel the heat of his skin reverberating against mine, even through his black and white blazer and loose and unbuttoned shirt. He takes my chin in his hand but I yank it away in disgust. He only snickers.

          "What have you done with J?" I whisper weakly. He tries to stifle his laughter but fails and lets out a maniacal cackle. He roughly sets his hands on my shoulders and forces me to face him. I look into his bright blue eyes and at his pale face.

          "I am J." he reveals. I gasp in horror, a million thoughts rushing through my head. It was so obvious, but so inconspicuous at the same time. How did I not notice? How could I have noticed? I feel my body go limp and I fall to the floor, still trying to process the information. He walks away, stepping casually over the destruction he has caused. He converses quietly with one of his henchmen who glances towards me and nods. The henchman swings the gun over his shoulder and comes towards me, picking me up and also swinging me over his shoulders as if I weighed as much as the gun. I try to struggle but I feel too weak and my eyes are blurry with tears. I look up and lock eyes with J. He sneers and waves a gloved hand at me as the henchman carries me out into the fresh air.

          I notice that this particular gang member is wearing one of the black hoodies. The pieces start to fit together now, the men in the hoodies are his henchmen. No wonder the cab driver knew exactly where to go without asking.

          The man throws me to the ground and I hit my head against the back of a car. He yanks me up by my hair and two others start to bind my hands and feet tightly with rope. He drops me down again and ties a piece of cloth around my mouth which makes it hard to talk. They throw me in the passenger seat of a sangria coloured sports car and slam the door. I struggle to break free of the ties but they are bound too tightly. I hear his footsteps nearing the car and I stop struggling, frozen in fear. He opens the car door and hops in, starting the car and revving the engine. He turns to me and smiles wickedly and we speed off.

          Without a seat belt or anything to hold onto I knock around in the seat, managing to bang my head against the window, causing it to start throbbing even more. My eyes fog over as I continue to cry all the way to the Joker's mansion, I am all out of tears by the time we arrive. He gets out of the car and slams the door which makes me flinch. He walks away and into his ginormous mansion, old and green but strangely ornate. I try once more to get out of the restraints with my few moments of freedom but it's no use. One of his adherents strolls up to the car and lifts me up, carrying me out bridal style. I don't struggle because I conclude that following orders without putting up a fight is my best bet on getting out of here safely. Plus, I'm too weak from all the previous struggling and crying at the moment to fight back.

          He carries me into the ancient building that is actually very well furnished and decorated on the inside. He takes me up a few flights of stairs and into a dark room with a long, silver table placed in the middle of it. It has an adjustable lamp over it which gives the impression of a dentist's chair. I am thrown onto the cold metal and untied, being trusted to be left to my own devices. I lay shaking and cold on the table, too afraid to move or look around. I hear psychopathic shriek of laughter echoing off the walls of the castle like mansion. The door bursts open and there stands the silhouette of the Joker. He steps into the room and into the light, revealing his now shirtless figure. He is covered in scars and tattooed all over but I don't dare let my eyes linger too long. He slowly walks around the mental table and I feel his eyes examining me closely. I shift my legs uncomfortably at the thought of his greedy gaze.

          He finally comes face to face with me at the end of the table. He leans over to whisper in my ear and my heart pounds in my throat. I whimper and writhe my head away from his pathetically.

          "Hush," he mutters, drawing out the word. "I'm gonna take real good care of ya," he whispers and moves away, heading to a cabineted area in the back of the room. He rattles around in a drawer and finds the tool he is looking for. The drawer slams shut and he laughs to himself evilly. He plugs the tool into an outlet on the wall and I hear an electrical buzz. Tears start to flow once more.

          "Wh-what are you g-gonna do to m-me?" I say as loudly as I can but it comes out barely a whisper. He snickers, playing around with the sliver, electrically charged tools in his hands.

          "I'm just gonna be askin' you a few questions, sugar, no need to worry," he says with a sinister smile. I sniff as I try to keep my composure and nod. He grins wider. "Good, now, you know that Bruce Wayne is Batman, don't you girly?" I nod slowly in response, shutting my eyes tightly. "Speak up!" he yells and I whimper.

          "Y-yes, I d-do," I manage to utter. He shakes his head in disapproval.

          "Tsk, tsk, there goes that nasty stutter of yours again. Should I do something about that?" he says rubbing the silver tools together which causes them to buzz louder.

          "P-please don't k-kill me..." I whisper, my voice shaking with fear as he holds them close to my temples. He throws his head back in laughter and looks me straight in the eye.

          "Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya," he says waving the buzzing utensils in front of me. "I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad." He says with an evil grin, getting closer and closer until I can feel his warm breath on my face. He presses the electric devices to my temples and a wave of electricity courses through my body. I let out an ear piercing scream of pain, feeling my brain being shocked into confusion.

He said his famous Joker line in this one yay! Hope you enjoy :)


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