Chapter 9: Love and Loyalty, That's What We Stand For

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          I start to hear footsteps again and stand up, startled. The door opens and I stumble backwards, falling against the wall. J walks in, fully clothed, and looks around the room. He sits down on the bed and rubs the silky sheets against his palms. He lays back with a sigh and puts his hands behind his head, looking completely relaxed. I stay backed against the wall, afraid he'll have another outburst. I decide to start asking questions.

          "H-how long are you g-gonna keep me here?" I ask, trying my best not to stutter but still failing. He looks up at me and grins but then lays his head back down.

          "Indefinitely." He answers solidly. I swallow a lump in my throat.

          "Ok... why do you want me, of all people? I'm a nobody," I say trailing off. I hear him sigh and shift positions on the bed.

            "If you're a nobody then what would that make me? I'm just the crazy bad guy." He says sitting up and slouching by the end of the bed. I still lean against the wall with my hands behind my back.

           "What do you want with me?" I finally ask after moments of silence. He snickers and gets up, standing to his full height. He walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulders. I flinch a little but I decide to let it happen.

          "I want you to join me," he says raising an eyebrow, rubbing my upper arms and shoulders softly.

          "Me? Join you? What possible use could I have to you and your crew?" I ask looking him directly in the eyes. A crazy flash flickers through them but I don't look away.

          "Well, you're hot, you're small, you look like you can get a job done," he says, running his tongue over his silver-white teeth. He slowly moves his hands down to my hips and my body tingles at his touch and we lock eyes. I look away and step aside, making my way over to the bed again. He stays facing the wall and looks to the floor while I sit down. The air around us grows stiff and neither of us speaks.

          "I hope you know that there's no way in hell that I would ever join your crew." He chuckles at my statement and turns around. I grab a lamp off of the desk and throws it to the ground, causing it to shatter everywhere. I bring my feet up on the bed since I'm barefoot and don't want to step on a shard of glass. He stands there, breathing heavily and decides to leave the room. He slams the door and locks it shut once more.

          I look around at the glass on the floor and start to clean it up carefully, finding a trash can on the other side of the bed. I manage to get most of the visible pieces of glass cleaned up but I worry about the tiny shards that might be stuck in the carpet. I move one of the rugs near his bed over the area where the glass shattered. I really need some shoes.

          I wonder around the room once more and feel my stomach start to rumble. I find a clock in the Joker's room and find out that it's well past lunch time. I try to find another way to pass the time and start a shower. I feel gross and unclean and still haven't been able to clean my wounds from the other day. I step in and wash myself with sweet smelling soaps and body washes. They all smell manly and like J, but it's all I have for the time being. I wash my hair too, managing to scrape out all the dried blood that managed to find its way in there. I step out of the warm shower and wrap a bright purple towel around myself. I grab another towel marked with a J and use it to dry my hair.

          I walk out of the bathroom, bringing my clothes with me and throwing them on the bed. I am still drying my hair with the purple towel when I hear a door creak. I spin around and drop the towel at the sight of J standing in the doorway. He wears a dark red and black blazer with no shirts, showing off his tattoos, and black dress pants. His eyes wonder over my body and he hesitantly steps in and closes the door behind him. I slowly reach down to pick up the towel and use it to cover myself a bit more. I don't know why he's here.

          He steps towards me and I take a step back, knocking into the bed. He has a strange look on his face, like for once he doesn't know what to do. Like he doesn't run the world. He takes a few more steps closer until he and I are face to face. Neither of us has spoken a word to each other. The air between us doesn't grow stiff this time, instead there is a slight tension. Not a negative tension, more of an intimate tension. My hair, still wet, drips onto the bed and carpet.

          "You smell good," he says softly, tucking my wet hair behind my ear. I flinch at his touch but I have nowhere to flee.

          "I, um, I used your soaps, I hope you don't mind." I say nervously, knowing how he loses his temper over small things. But he smiles.

          "I don't mind it, I think it suits you," he comes closer and sniffs my neck. I tense up and try to step back but end up falling on the bed. It's a miracle my towel stays on. The Joker towers over me with an unreadable expression, as if deciding what to do.

          "Fuck it," I hear him mutter under his breath. He leans down towards me and places his hands next to me on the bed, propping himself up. He leans in even more to the point where I can feel his warm exhales on my face. There are barely inches between us and we lock eyes, blue to green. I again begin to see the J I knew before all this happened. My heart beats harder in my chest as I feel the space growing smaller and smaller. He makes the final decision to lean in all the way and our lips collide.

          He kisses me hungrily, his lips feeling cool and soft against mine. I decide to let myself go and kiss him back just as hungrily. His hands move to my back as he lifts me up slowly until we are both standing. I place my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his green, gelled down hair. I barely notice my towel slipping down my body, but luckily he pulls away before it has the chance to go all the way. I pick it up in a hurry and he steps back, looking off to the side. He has a look of disgust and confusion painted on his pale face. He turns to me and glares. "What have you done to me?" he spits angrily. He shoves me and I fall back onto the bed. He storms off and slams the door behind him, leaving me exasperated and heaving between the sheets.

Hi everyone! Thank you for 250+ reads, it really means a lot to me :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back tomorrow with another update!


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