Chapter 7: I Wanna Tie You Down

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The torture goes on for what seems like hours, my temples are burned and other parts of my body have been slit with a sharp knife. My dress is torn and my makeup is streaked across my face from sweat and tears. The Joker throws the tools behind him and leaves the room, dissatisfied with the information I provided him. I have refused to join him and his crew.

"Take her to her room," I hear him yell as he stalks off. A door slams and the snickering henchmen start to clean up. One of them picks me up again but I don't move, my body feels numb. I feel myself being thrown into a dark room against the mouldy wall. The door slams shut and it is pitch black, aside from one lone, flickering lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. I watch it sway back and forth until it comes to a stop. I crawl around and find an old mattress to lie down on but nothing else. I lay down, shivering from the cold, and try to get some sleep. I don't know what time of day it is and all I can hear is his laughter resonating throughout the mansion walls.

I awaken to a banging on my door with a fright. The door swings open and I sit up, squinting from the bright light. An old, plastic tray slides across the room, sloshing food all over the place. Some clothes are thrown in but I can barely make out what they look like. J walks into the room and I instinctively look away, afraid of what he might do to me next. He crouches down in front of me and grins, licking his lips.

"Can I help you?" I ask pretentiously. He smirks and shakes his head. He wraps his fist around my throat and holds me up like I weigh nothing. I struggle and kick at his grip but he is a lot stronger than I am. He pushes me up against the wall, my feet dangling and my face turning blue. I gasp for breath and for a moment I actually think he might kill me, but I'm not about to let that happen. I swing one more kick at him and manage to give him a blow in the stomach with my heels still on. He yowls out in pain and loses the grasp around my neck. I fall to the floor, coughing and trying to suck in as much air as I can. He starts to growl angrily as he turns towards me. He turns to kick me but kicks the wall next to me instead, losing his temper. He looks at me and I flinch, afraid that he'll kick me too. He throws his hands up in frustration and leaves the room. He loses his temper over the smallest things.

I decide to check out the clothes and food they have graciously left for me. The clothes are a pair of black leggings exactly in my size and a plain white t-shirt. They have also given me a slightly oversized, grey sweatshirt to keep me warm which I appreciate since the room is freezing cold. After listening for noises and footsteps for a few minutes and deciding the coast is clear, I quickly get changed into the clothes I have been provided with. I decide to stay barefoot since my feet are killing me from the heels. I look around for the food in the mildly dark room and find the tray up against a wall. I find a bottle of water, half empty and spilled across the floor. I pick it up and take a sip, hoping it's not poison. I decide to ration it just in case I have to go without water for a few days. The food is the leftover chicken salad I ordered from Gilmore's. Even though I'm eighty percent sure it was on the floor I start to pick at it and eat since I am starving.

After I finish nibbling at my food I decide to try and get some more sleep. The cuts from the torture only hours ago seemed to have healed a little. As I lay down on the springy mattress I think about a plan to try and escape. I vaguely remember the way I came in, if I can just get past the Joker and his crew, I'll be home free. I turn on my turn and rest my head on my arm and drift off to sleep.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry it's a little short. I'll be back tomorrow with another update :)


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