Chapter 13: It Don't Matter, You Don't Know Me

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            "No!" he yells, turning around. He takes the lamp back off of the set of drawers and chucks it at me this time, narrowly missing. He rushes towards me and grabs my arm, dragging me out of the room. I struggle to break free of his grip but he is a lot stronger than I am. My arm is still covered in burns and bruises so his grip hurts even more. I cry out in protest but he ignores me, pulling me towards the torture room. My eyes burn with tears at the memory of the things that happened last time I was in there.

           He throws me to the floor and the door slams shut. A few of his crew members are already here, ready for the show. Two of them lift me up and lay me on the table, this time strapping me down. I struggle as hard as I can but they are still a lot stronger than I am. The restraints are too tight and I pull against them to try and make them looser. I try screaming at the top of my lungs for help, even though I know it's no use. The Joker rolls his eyes at me and shoves a gag in my mouth, almost choking me.

          He gets out the silver, electrically charged devices again and my stomach flips at the familiar thought of the pain. I hear two blades clink against each other and feel their cool metal on my skin. He doesn't press them down hard enough to break the skin just yet. He drags them along my legs menacingly, making my heart race. Tears start to stream down my face and the sounds of my crying are muffled by the gag.

           "No one talks to me like that, I think you need to be taught a lesson," he says, jabbing the blade into my thigh. I yell out in pain against the gag and pull against the restraints. He pulls the blade out and I feel the thick, warm blood pooling out of the wound. He reaches for the silver utensils and I start to writhe around, trying to get away. The pain was near unbearable the last time. He chuckles at my fear.

           "You still haven't joined me... ready to change your mind?" he growls with an evil grin. He removes the gag to allow me to speak.

           "I w-will never join you," I spit through clenched teeth, holding back tears. He smiles in mock sympathy.

          "Have it your way, sweetheart." He says innocently. He presses the cold, electric metal to my hips and the pain is worse than before. My screams echo through the mansion but one of his crew members covers my mouth. The pain makes me feel dizzy and fragile, I feel like I can barely move.

          The Joker stops and laughs at my weak form. He takes one of the blades and takes my right arm out of the restraint. He holds it down, my palm facing upward, and begins to carve words into my skin. I clench my fists and try to move my arm away but he continues steadily. I start to feel lightheaded and shaky, probably because of the blood loss. My eyes flutter shut and I pass out from all of the pain.

          I awaken what feels like hours later in the Joker's room. I sit up quickly but feel a wave of pain rush over me and lay back down slowly. My head is throbbing and my body hurts all over with the familiar discomfort of the burn marks from the electric currents. I find a glass of water on the bedside table and take a few sips. Why am I in here again? He just tortured me and now he's treating me like gold again? He is crazy fucked up.

          I decide to try and get up so I can have a shower and I notice the words that have been carved into my arm with a knife. 'You are mine' it reads in messy and jagged handwriting. I rub it gently to ease the pain and a tiny drop of blood slips out. I wipe it away and get out of bed, slowly and carefully. I hobble to the shower and run myself a bath, filling it with sweet smelling bubble mixture I find in a cabinet. I also manage to find rose petals, for some reason, and decide to add those too.

          I slowly slide into the warm and bubbly water and it takes a lot of the pain off my joints. I lay down with my eyes closed, leaning my head on the wall. I imagine my life back home how it used to be, how I used to go into work every day and teach my kids, how I always used to greet Lenny the doorman as I came in and out of the building, how I really just wish I could get out of here. I place some of the bubbles in my hands and blow them into the air around me. They pop quickly but one or two manage to float around for a few solid seconds. I play with the rose petals aimlessly, tearing and ripping them into little pieces.

          "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me..."

          I stay in until the water is only lukewarm and my fingers are all wrinkly. I wash myself thoroughly but carefully as a lot of my wounds are still fresh. When I climb out of the tub, I wrap myself in a warm, fluffy towel and manage to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look almost sickly pale and my face is thin, my cheekbones sticking out and prominent. I sigh at my reflection and right on cue my stomach grumbles. I hope I get fed soon.

          I step out the bathroom and see a new pair of clothes set out on the bed for me, since my old ones were previously ruined. I slip on the comfortable jeans and the old, black t-shirt, covering it with a fluffy, blue jacket. I don't know where the Joker gets these clothes, or how he knows my exact sizes, but they're better than nothing and I decide not to question it.

          I climb into bed and nuzzle into the silky sheets, staring at the now replaced clock and watching the minutes go by. I eventually drift off to sleep, thinking about him.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I apologise for not updating yesterday. School is starting tomorrow for me so I might be updating a little later than usual but I will update! Thank you for being patient and for all the reads and votes, I really appreciate it! :)


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