Chapter 16: No Hesitation

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I manage to get some rest before it's time to execute the plan. J wakes me up an hour before midnight with a set of black, skinny clothes for me to wear. I slip them on nervously and notice they cover most of my skin. He gives me a pain of black sneakers which are comfortable and easy to run in. He takes my shaky hand and leads me outside to his purple Lamborghini. The last time I was in there was the night he kidnapped me.

A few of his goons follow behind us in various other cars. We drive in silence to Poison Ivy's hideout in Gotham. It is a tall skyscraper in almost the middle of nowhere. It's covered in plants and ivy, almost making it look old and run down, as if it hadn't been used in years. We park behind another run down building in the town a few blocks away and grab the supplies from the trunk of the car. As we walk towards the back of the tower, J keeps me close to his side with his arm around me waist cautiously. I snuggle closely to him, afraid of what the evening may hold for me.

We reach the tall, black gate which is almost hidden by a hedge roughly the same height as it. His crew members climb over with ease one by one. Just as I am about to follow behind them, J pulls me aside.

"Just remember not to harm or step on any of her plants or our cover will be blown, ok? Do you remember the plan? Are you sure you're ready for this? I don't want to force you into this but you're kind of crucial to the plan, but are you sure you want to-" I cut him off and put my finger to his lips. He stares intently into my eyes. I smile weakly and nod my head, for I am too nervous to speak. I know I'll have to do this at some point so I might as well get this over and done with. He sends me a small smile and leans down to kiss me. The feel of his lips against mine gives me a small boost of confidence.

He lifts me carefully and helps me climb over the gate. As soon as my feet touch the ground on the other side of the fence I feel as though I am in a whole different dimension. The dusky light from the building glows dimly and only reveals about half of the amazing plants and flowers growing all around us. We walk through her garden carefully, not daring to tread on a single leaf or thorn. A few fireflies flash on and off between us as we near the tower, giving off an almost magical vibe to it all.

When we arrive at the poison ivy covered building, J starts to ruffle through the supply bag and hands me a grappling hook. Luckily my dark clothes keep me well hidden and manage to cover up most of my skin as protection from the ivy. He hands me a pair of gloves as extra conservation.

"Remember, once you get to the roof you just have to find her money vault on the top floor. Once you do that, try making some noise and draw some attention to yourself. Hopefully Poison Ivy will go to you. In the meanwhile, my crew and me will be on the third floor grabbing some weaponry which is what we really came for. Distract her for as long as you can, I'll come up and rescue you in a few minutes, I promise." He says holding my face in his hands. I nod in understanding and suck in a breath of confidence. I point the gun towards the rooftop and pull the trigger. A hook launches out of it and grips firmly onto the edge of the roof. It jerks me upwards quickly and I grasp onto it tightly. I slowly ascend up to the roof, trying to avoid as much of the poison ivy as possible. I hoist myself up and retract the hook, securing the gun into a holster on my belt. I find a trapdoor that leads to the highest floor and jump down, my heart pounding with fear.

I find myself in a dark, overgrown stairwell. I go through the nearest door and into another dark room. The glow of the moon from a floor to ceiling window nearby provides just enough light for me to see what I am doing. I find the vault easily, it's a giant vault door on the side of the wall. I try to make a big show of myself trying to break in, pressing a few random buttons on the padlock on the side of the wall. Eventually I set off an alarm and red, flashing lights emerge from the ceiling. This is just what I wanted.

"Who are you?" a loud, feminine voice booms from seemingly nowhere. Vines and plants grow out of every corner and crack in the room, giving it a nice scenery. A female figure materialises out of the plants; tall, fair skinned, and stunning red hair. Her almost glowing green eyes compliment her sleek, black outfit well. She places her hands on her hips boldly. "I said, who are you? And what the hell are you doing in my house?" she asks angrily. My heart pounds in my chest and I am unaware of what to say. What do I tell her?

She raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. "You're not much of a talker, are you? No problem, I guess I can just squeeze the information out of you," she says slyly. A set of vines comes creeping towards me and starts to wind itself around me, binding my feet together and my arms to my side. They lift me up into the air effortlessly and dangle me there. "Now, I'll ask one last time, who are you?" I am too freaked out by the moving vines squeezing me tightly to respond and I struggle to get away from their grasp. "Fine then, have it your way." She says smugly, flicking her wrist in my direction. She crosses her arms and watches as the vines start to squeeze the life out of me. I feel my face turning red, and then blue from the lack of oxygen. I flail in defeat and start to wheeze.

"Fine, I'll talk!" I gasp. She smiles and the vines drop me to the ground. I lay on the floor, heaving for breath and coughing. I hear her black boots clicking closer and closer towards me. I look up and she towers over me, her arms still crossed.

"I'm waiting?" she says impatiently. I sit up weakly and brush my hair out of my face.

"My name is Sophia, or just Sophie," I say softly, still struggling for air. She sneers and gives me the side eye.

"Ok, Sophie, why are you here?"

"I, um, I wanted to rob your vault," I say sheepishly. She laughs hysterically, I know she doesn't believe my pathetic attempt at stealing from her.

"What are you really here for?" she interrogates. She walks around me suspiciously, never taking her eyes off of me. Her heels click with every step she takes.

"I told you, I'm here to steal from your vault." I say trying to keep my cool. I really hope J comes for me soon, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. She stands in front of me and leans down patronizingly with a look of disgust. Suddenly a vine shoots towards me out of nowhere and wraps itself around my neck. It lifts me up off of the ground and my feet dangle. I struggle to undo them but I am running out of oxygen.

"Tell me who you are working for or I will kill you." She says slowly and simply.

"Never," I spit out through a gasp for breath. She smirks menacingly.

"Suit yourself." She flips her bright, red hair behind her shoulders and stands to watch as I suffocate. I kick and pull at the vines but I cannot break free. I feel myself start to get faint and my eyes start to flutter shut.

"Stop," I say, barely a whisper. She smiles and the vines set me down. I lay coughing on the ground, unable to move. She gets impatient and kicks me in the gut.

"Who do you work for?" she asks angrily. I look up at her slowly, rubbing my bruised neck.

"I work for the Joker."

Hi everyone! So this was a pretty long chapter and I fear the story will be coming to an end within the next two to three chapters which makes me sad :( but nonetheless thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting! I hope you enjoyed :)


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