Chapter 10: Alienated by Society

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"Hey, uh, it's time for dinner. You gotta come down to the kitchen to eat." One of the Joker's henchmen says awkwardly, turning around and leaving the door open. I look up from the book I am reading on the bed, puzzled. He wants me to go downstairs? To the kitchen? To eat?

I slowly peek my head out the door but there is no one in sight. I step out of the room cautiously, still checking for someone about to tackle me to the ground and throw me back in. Not a sound is heard throughout the mansion. I quietly tiptoe down the stairs creaky with my bare feet and find the kitchen. It looks pretty modern with a white, granite counter and most kitchen necessities. The fridge in the corner and the stove look pretty recent, probably because the Joker has enough money to buy an entire country if he wanted to.

J moves around casually, preparing some dinner that smells pretty great. I nonchalantly sit down at one of the high chairs behind the counter. He sets a plate of chicken parmesan and a glass of water in front of me. A knife and fork are already in place and he continues to venture around the kitchen. I hesitantly pick up the utensils and start to pick at the meal. It smells really good and I haven't eaten much these past few days, so it takes a lot of will power to not scarf it all down in one bite. I nibble at it for a while and eventually start to eat bigger bites at a faster pace. When I finish, I push the plate away from myself and start to sip at the water, still keeping a close eye on the Joker. He looks about halfway through cleaning up and is scrubbing a pot in the sink. He looks very strange doing such normal things for such an abnormal person. Mind you, all he wears are a pair of black dress pants.

I finish my water and decide to get some more from a jug on the other side of the counter. I get up off of my chair and walk around the counter. I pick up the jug and start pouring the water, watching the half melted ice cubes shrink even more. I don't notice the Joker behind me until he wraps his arms around my waist. I spin around in shock and splash my water in his face because of my reflexes. He stands in front of me, soaked in water and fuming mad. He takes a step closer, towering over me angrily.

"I should kill you for doing that," he says through clenched teeth as I drop the plastic cup on the floor. He glances from my eyes to his lips and lets them linger there for a second too long. We suddenly lock lips passionately and his hands are all over. I run mine through his green hair and melt into the kiss. He lifts me up onto the counter and I almost spill the jug of water. I move my hands to his wet cheeks and he breaks away once more with a look of disgust. He glares at me and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"J, don't-" but before I can finish his sentence he takes a plate from the sink and smashes it on the ground. He yells something inaudible and storms off once more, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a shell shocked girl sitting on the counter.

I quickly hop off the counter and run out of the kitchen, trying not to slip on the wet floor and avoiding shards of glass. I hear the Joker screaming and yelling somewhere in the castle, his goons rushing around trying to please him. I run back into his room and lock the door from the inside. I back away slowly and try to calm myself. He won't come after me, right?

All of a sudden I start to feel overwhelmingly dizzy. The room starts spinning and my vision is blurry. I try to steady myself by leaning on the desk but my hands just can't seem to find it. My head is pounding and my ears are ringing, everything around me starts getting darker and darker. I try to make my way over to the door but it seems so far away. My attempts to call out for help come out muffled and strange sounding and my voice catches in my throat. I feel myself drop to the floor and after that I don't remember a thing.

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) as usual I'll be back tomorrow at noon with another update, I'll be posting two chapters!


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