Chapter 2: Smart ass

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After Maive's parents had a talk with the principal they sent her home immediately. She unlocked her locker and put her books into her bag before walking off the school grounds. Both of them had to go back to work so Maive was home alone for the meanwhile with Cecelia. She heard the front door open and shut and the sound of a bag being dropped on the ground. There were footsteps getting closer and then a snort of laughter. Maive looked up at her older brother, burning holes into his head. He laughed out loud, putting his arm across his stomach.

"Tyler! Stop" Maive said, getting mad at her brother who now was starting to calm down.

"How long?" Tyler asked, walking towards Maive

"Four weeks" Maive rolled her eyes.

"For beating a girl up?"

"I get it okay? I got the whole speech from Mum and Dad. How I should learn to control my anger and emotions" Maive said, mocking their voice and rolling her eyes again.
They both stood there in comfortable silence. Both calming themselves down.

"I take it everyone at school knows about it? Because you seem to know" Maive said quietly, taking a sip of her glass of water which she got earlier.

"Nobody's talking about it. As far as I know of" Tyler added, taking a seat on the stool in the kitchen.

"How did you know about it?" Maive asked furrowing her eyebrow at Tyler.

"I knew you'd get into a fight, first day back of semester" Tyler said smirking. Maive playfully punched him in the shoulder eliciting a laugh out of Tyler.

"So what are you going to do now you're suspended for four weeks?"

"I don't know. I'll probably get you to give me my work at the end of the day. Maybe Thea" Maive shrugged. "Not that I care if I fail"

"Mum and Dad would" Tyler had a point. If any of the kids got lower than an A- on an exam or assignment, they would have their privileges taken away. Mostly just technology. Or grounding which resulted in taken technology too. Maive knew all about it.

"What about you? Are you doing anything other than schoolwork and basketball this afternoon?" Maive said, wanting to change the subject a little bit.

"Actually I do. Besides I do all my work in class. Unlike another girl I know- "Maive snorted quietly. 

"Smart ass" She muttered quietly

"But I have a friend over" Tyler continued

"Bradley?" Maive asked, slumping down in her standing position.

"No. He moved away over the summer remember it was when you- "Tyler stopped. "Never mind. No it's a guy from my Chemistry class. We found out we have a lot in common. Like music" Tyler said in a matter-of-factly tone of voice.

"That's good. You're getting back together with music. Especially after you and the others broke up a year or so ago. Tyler nodded his head slowly. She remembered Tyler and how he would mope around the house. He tried to make more songs but never really had the will to do so.

Maive turned around and got an apple and bit into it.

"What instrument does he play?" Maive said, interested in the new to-be band mate.

"Drums. Says he's pretty good. Guess we'll find out" As Tyler finished his sentence, the doorbell rang. Tyler smiled a little at Maive, who smirked and rolled her eyes at her brother's enthusiasm. She stayed standing in the kitchen, leaning on the counter. She could hear two pairs of voices; the other assuming was Tyler's new 'friend'. Tyler brought him into the kitchen. Maive stood up straight. You've got to be kidding me Maive thought to herself. Her insides doing flips.

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