Chapter 16: New Beginnings

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We all know you're qualified, to fix a chair

And love your wife

They all know you're qualified

But they lie when they blame it on the time

A/N This chapter is jumpy and jumps from bit to bit. This is more of a filler but hopefully still just as exciting as the others :)

The day had finally arrived. The day that Tyler, Josh and the rest of the year 12's and seniors left school to embark on something new in their lives.

"For them, graduation is the most sacred part of their lives because it was the end of an era. And what many people say, when a door closes, a new one opens."

"Bullshit!" Maive booed only to be punched in the arm by Tyler.

Thea read her speech, as she was the head of the social committee. Clairemont High had a range of different committee's depending on what students were interested in, like arts, drama, sports, literature, math club and social club. They were in charge of the school social activities like bake sales and open days.

"Yeah sure, graduation is a good thing for them but why does everyone have to attend. The whole school watches them" Tyler was sitting on the arm of the couch next to Maive and he placed his hand on Maive's shoulder.

"Oh my dear Maive, not everything is about you" Tyler said in a snobbish voice. Thea and Josh laughed, Maive smiling a little, punching her brother in the arm. Then Tyler's mum walked into the living room, she stepped back in shock to see everyone there.

"Thea! I didn't know you were here, the ceremony is in 45 minutes, shouldn't you be getting ready?" She asked. Thea quickly checked the time on her phone and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Oh shoot. Thank you Mrs. Joseph for reminding me. See ya guys later" Thea very quickly picked up her bag and ran out the door.

"What about you Maive?" Her mother questioned. Maive looked down at herself. She had her hair out with a clip holding back the long sides of her hair and was wearing her black ripped jeans, black converse and a new band t-shirt on. She couldn't care less about her appearance.

"All good. Let's go" Maive stood up.

"Maive go get dressed" her mother said in a kind voice. Maive groaned in frustration. She quickly made her way up to her room and opened her wardrobe up. She looked at the outfit hanging up that she never noticed she had.
She remembered her Mum mentioning something along the lines of

"I've hung up an outfit for the graduation today. You can wear it if you want"

Maive took it off the coat hanger and looked at it and sighed. It was a short black dress and she found her old black heels in the bottom of the closet. She quickly put the dress on and added a necklace.

She walked down the stairs and turned around with her arms out sassing her Mum.

"You look beautiful," Her mother said. Maive rolled her eyes and started heading for the front door. Josh stared at her then shook his head and looked down and smiled at Tyler. Tyler puts his hand on Josh's shoulder then walks out.


The students at Clariemont high typically get this Friday off due to the graduation ceremony and celebration. So Maive's hopes of Ruby turning up today were crushed. They all sat in the plastic chairs in the assembly halls and all the senior teachers sat out front on the stage on their chairs. The Josephs were in the second row from the front and Maive leaned back in her chair. She looked around for her Dad to turn up.

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