Chapter 1: A Thousand Miles

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Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass, and I'm home bound.

Cristina's POV:

I woke up to the sound of the pilot saying welcome to Seattle. My flight must have just landed. I grab my carry on and exit the plane. I am so glad to be back in Seattle and to see my friends even if it's just for a couple of days. I was in town to perform the very first 3D printed heart transplant ever. I was nervous because if this goes bad, then all the research and practice I have done in Zurich could be ruined. All these years of research could have been waste and that's the last thing I want. Plus I really want to win a Harper Avery award.

Anyways I get into the airport and I look around. Finally I spot Meredith. I start running towards her and I scream,

Me: My person!!!

I give Meredith a hug. She smiles.

Meredith: Hey person, I'm so glad to see you again. How's Zurich treating you?

Me: Amazing! Seriously you should come visit sometime.

Meredith: Maybe once the kids are older, we'll have to come.

Me: Definitely. How's Zozo, Bailey and Ellis.

Meredith: They're great.

Me: I can't wait to see them.

Meredith and I head to get my bags. Once we get my bags we leave and go to Meredith's house. Meredith was nice enough to let me stay at her house while I'm in town. When we get to Meredith's house, Zola and Bailey come running up to me and gives me a hug.

Bailey: Cristina!

Me: Wow you guys have gotten so big! Where has the time gone!

Zola: We've missed you!

Me: Awwww, I've missed you guys too! Now where's the little Ellis?

Meredith: I believe she's playing with Maggie upstairs.

Me: Who's Maggie?

Meredith: You don't remember. She's the one you hired to replace you. Well turns out, she happens to be my half sister.

Me: What?

Meredith: Yeah. We have the same mom and Richard's her dad.

Me: Seriously? Wow I've missed a lot.

Meredith: Yes you have and there's a lot more news you have yet to hear.

Meredith and I head upstairs so I could meet Ellis.

Meredith: How's Ellis?

Maggie: She's great. Hello Cristina.

Me: Hi Maggie.

I go pick up Ellis.

Me: She's so cute.

Meredith: Yep she's a cutie alright. Well kids, I think it's time to go to bed.

Bailey: But I want to play with Cristina.

Meredith: She's here for a few days so you'll have time to play with her.

Bailey: Alright.

I help Meredith put the kids to bed and then we got some tequila and started drinking. It was just like the good ol' days. I had missed this so much.

Me: So how are you doing without Derek?

Meredith: It's hard but I'm just taking it day by day.

Me: I'm glad. So what else have I missed.

Meredith: Well Callie left for New York. April and Jackson got a divorce but then April got pregnant and they had a child. Also, Bailey is the chief of surgery now.

Me: Are you serious?

Meredith: Yep.

Me: How's Owen?

Meredith: He's good. You know he got remarried right?


Meredith: He got married to Amelia.

Me: I had no idea.

Meredith: Oh I thought you did.

Me: Nope. It's okay though. I'm happy for him.

After a little of talking with Meredith I went to bed. I had a long day. I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of upset that Owen got remarried. I tried so hard to get him out of my mind, but I truthfully still love him. It's definitely going to be hard to see him tomorrow.

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