Chapter 5: Shake This Feeling

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I can't seem to shake this feeling
That we both could break through that ceiling

Cristina's POV:

It had been a a couple of months since I performed the groundbreaking 3D printed heart transplant. I did the trial on many other patients and 90 percent of them have survived. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world to know that your trials successful. I just can't wait till it's an official procedure. Like I can just imagine it being called the Yang method.

Anyway sit was early in the morning and when I got up, my phone rings. I look at the caller ID, and it says the Harper Avery foundation. I hop out of my bed as I realized today was the day they were announcing who was nominated for the Harper Avery award. I grab my phone and answer it. As I listen to the recorded call, I couldn't help but jump up and down. I'm being nominated again for the Harper Avery award, and this time I actually have a chance to it. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

After the call I was super excited, until I realized what today also is. I realized that I was late. I had been sick for the passed couple of days but I figured it was just the flu because it can been going around, but now I'm late and my last two periods have been super light. Does this mean I could be pregnant with Owen's child? Owen is happily married and I'm just now getting to where I want to be in my surgical career. I did not want to have to ruin any of our happiness nor did I want to have to feel the guilt of abortion again, but I shouldn't get ahead of myself because maybe I'm not pregnant.

I decide to take a couple of pregnancy tests. I hate the fact that you have to wait like 5 minutes to know the results. Those 5 minutes always feel like 5 hours. After 5 minutes, I look at the results, and they all said negative. I still wasn't sure that I wasn't pregnant. Every part of me feels like there's good chance that I could be pregnant, so I decide to go to the hospital to take a blood test.

I didn't want anyone to know that the blood test was for me so I changed my name on the labs. I was the chief of surgery so if everyone found out, then they will be bothering me nonstop. Finally the blood test results come in so I go into my office to have some privacy. As I'm about to open the results, Shane comes in.

Shane: Hello Dr. Yang. What's you looking at?

Me: Oh it's nothing.

Shane: It looks like lab results to me.

Me: It's nothing. Do you need to talk to me cause if not, can you please leave?

Shane: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you

Shane leaves, and I finally get some privacy. With shaking hands, I carefully open the envelope to read my results. I skim through most of the results until I get to the bottom where it says not pregnant. I couldn't be more relieved. Although I was sick with probably the flu, I didn't care because I wasn't pregnant.

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