Chapter one

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Hey guys it's me Kayla, and my entire life was just flipped upside down. But, before I get into any of that let me tell you a little bit about me. I am an African American girl born and raised out of charlotte, thanks to my mother I have long black hair, light brown skin and a height of only 5'3. Like I stated my life just had a major change even I couldn't have prepared myself for. Hope your ready for a story!

It was 6:45 Monday morning when I hopped up and jumped into the shower. It took 10 minutes before I jumped back out. I was the only one up as usual you could say I'm the early bird who gets the worm. "I have nothing to wear!" I screamed a little frustrated as I went through my clothes. After ten minutes of throwing clothes all over my room. I decided that I would just wear my acid washed top and a floral skirt.

By the time I looked at the clock it was 8:00 which meant I was running late

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By the time I looked at the clock it was 8:00 which meant I was running late. I ran down the stairs so quickly I almost broke my neck. Once I made it down the stairs I ran to the table and stole my brothers toast. Before kissing my mom and dad and heading for the door. I would've made it if my dad hadn't stopped me. " go change." He said looking down at my shirt. "No time byeeee." I yelled grabbing the keys to my red Mercedes Benz. If it was a normal day I would've waited for my brother and sister but today I was meeting the girls. Plus If my siblings really wanted a ride to school they would've been ready so now they can walk. I quickly put the key in the ignition and turned on my car. Before I even made it out the drive I started blasting work by Rihanna and started singing at the top of my lungs.
"Work work work. Something something something work work."  As I turned the corner on my way to the Starbucks the police turned on their siren. I quickly pulled over and turned the radio down. "Young lady do you have any idea how fast you were going." He said looking at his note pad. "Jason?" I said in shock and disbelief especially to see him after all these years. Jason was my first true boyfriend I wouldn't say first love though. Though honestly we were in love for a long time. Before I caught him cheating with my ex best friend Janae. Anyways, as he stood outside of my car we slowly started talking and we caught up about what's been going on. "Well it was nice seeing you but I gotta go." Honestly I was lying it wasn't nice seeing him it was like seeing a ghost from the past, you know someone you really want to forget. Seeing him just made me think about how he lied and cheated on me with someone I called a friend. "Well I guess I'll let you off with a warning, I hope to see you again soon Kayla." He said as he stepped away from my car I quickly put my car in gear and drove away from him. I soon pulled up to Starbucks and saw the girls all at a table. "Hey guys." I said as I pulled a chair over to the table beside Kay and jasmine. "Girl you are soooo late." Kay said handing me my regular iced coffee. "I know but y'all would never guess who I just saw." They all leaned in motioning for me to tell them. "Jason cheating tale." I guess you could say I was still  bitter about the fact that he cheated on me but who wouldn't be especially when Janae ain't even that cute. After hours of laughing I checked my watch and it was 10:00 which meant I not only had already missed first but second period too. ad found out he would kill me. "Girls we gotta go it's ten o'clock." They all locked at me shocked as if they didn't even know what time it was. We all quickly dropped some money for the drinks and ran back to where I parked my car. However, when I got there it was gone! I quickly walked over to see what the sign in front of the spot said and it read ten minute limit, Any cars left here will be towed away. "Man, my dad is gonna kill me!" I said to the girls I can't believe I didn't see the sign when I parked. I quickly ran to the bus stop and paid the guy $2. Luckily there was a stop right across from my school. When the bus finally pulled up it was already twelve o'clock. It was lunch period so I started walking to the lunch room. But then I saw my car and some girl was just sitting in it. Now regular old me would've just went to class and called the cops and been a good little girl. But I was mad this chick stole my car. I quickly ran to the door and threw it open. Dark clouds of smoke slowly flew out of my car and the strong stench of weed hit my face. Through the smoke the girl and some guy got out. If you can't tell I was furious. "Who are you?" I said Looking at the two. They looked confused as if they didn't know English. "quién eres tú."

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