Chapter ten

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Kay was beautiful and dressed in this pink and black dress but when I said we were going to club neon she changed. She put on a black shirt and red jeans with matching shoes. Her style was always on A. I loved it as soon as she got in the car she got hype. I swear she hated the slow songs. Before we pulled up she played post to be remix.
"I said this was the remix." She said going in.
"If yo nigga come close to me ima him eat this **** appropriately." She said hype as can be we were in the middle of the song and she wouldn't get out the car until the song was over.


Jay was tripping thinking I was getting out the car in the middle of a song no. We sat right in the car until the song was over. Having fun with jay made me forget about how he wouldn't just tell me he sold drugs. Yea I already knew I'm not dumb or naïve, anytime your phone ring that much your either putting in work or have a secret family you don't want your girl to know about. And trust me I already explored that option before we went on a date to the movies at 3 in morning. Yea, some would say that's a little like stalking him but I refuse to be some kids stepmother. Anyways he doesn't know that I know which means that he wasn't going to tell me, which in-turn means he doesn't trust me with something as big as his job right now. When the song was over I grabbed Jay's hand and we walked right up to the bouncer. The guy was big and scary looking and I was scared as can be. But he just let me and jay in.
"How did you do that?" I asked amazed.
"Him and my dad are good friends." We quickly walked our to see kay and jasmine in the vip section popping bottles knowing they can't afford it. I heard fleek by PnB Rock blast through the speakers. I quickly grabbed my phone and did a snapchat while the song was playing. I saw jay come behind me and wrap his arms around me. I quickly turned around.
"Don't start something you can't finish." I said looking him in his eyes and pushing him off of me.
"Trust me I can finish what ever I start tonight. The question is can you?" Before we could even get into the conversation or enjoy the club the way I hoped to gun shots ran through the room. I heard bottle and glasses break. Jay quickly pushed me out the way as he was almost shot. He quickly ran and grabbed me,kay and jas. We ran back to his car and drove off. He took us to this ware house.
"Maaa!!" He yelled through the place there was alot of men in there.
"Im in the back." I heard a lady's voice. I grabbed kay's hand and she grabbed jas. We all walked behind jay.
"Put the warehouse on lock down. Now!" He said talking to some guy and with that he ran off and started getting to work. He grabbed my hand and started walking faster.
"Your about to see what i do." He said grabbing a gun.
"Wait." I said pulling him close and kissing him.
"Be safe." Jay looked like he was preparing for war. But after he loaded his gun he quickly ran back to the front. I saw ty pull up and start talking to jay. When shots started flying I grabbed kay and Jay's mom lead us to this safe room. We were all safe and finally able to breath a little, that was until I noticed I couldn't find Jas.
"Wait where's jas?" I said looking for her I tried my hardest to get out of the safe room but they wouldn't let me out. I heard the shots stop and they finally opened the door. There was blood all over the place. I saw jay laying on the ground and I quickly ran to him and lifted his head.
"Go call nine one one I yelled at one of his workers." He did as I told him quickly.
"Give me your shirt." I yelled at another one he pulled his shirt off and I ripped it apart and wrapped it around Jay's bullet hole. Then I saw kay crying beside jas's body. She was barely talking. I couldn't believe she was stuck out here. Jas was a fighter so I knew she would make it. One of Jay's workers handed me the phone as the lady was trying to talk I cut her off quickly.
"Look lady I need two people to be taken to the hospital and I swear if they die cause your talking to much I will find you and I swear you won't be able to hear another phone call. Now either you can get them to the hospital or I will find you and pull a cord around your throat."

I'm in love with a thug(COMPLETED) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now