Chapter nineteen

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Kayla pov

After me and jay's big fight and break up. I rode to kay's dad's house. She was living good! Her house had atleast been 4 ir 5 stories high. I've never been inside kay's dad's house. Just her mom's. And he had 3 extra cars in the yard. A Bentley, a jag, and a range rover. I parked my car next to her Benz and walked up to the door. I rung the bell. And she answered.
"Hay!" She smiled widely.
"Hay...." i was still mad!!

We walked up some stairs and finally got to her room. It was amazing. She had a California kind bed. A walk in closet, her bathroom was huge, and she had a in the wall tv! Her dad was definitely balling harder than i thought! One of her walls had queen kay in pink bold letters. With all types of deaigns around it.
"So what happened I can tell by your face somethings wrong." She said while sitting on her bed. I went and sat down beside her then started to explain. By the end we were just cuddled up under her covers. Then we laughed and talked and watched movies. Then i noticed it was going on over 3 am.
"I gotta go. Thank you kay. You want me to help you clean for i go?" I said while getting up.
"No. Go home before jay and his new wifey whoop you." She was joking but I gave her the finger.
"Bye." I said. I drove home and just as she said.... there jay stood on the front porch and jasmine waiting on me. Jay ran to me but jasmine just sat there smirking at me.
"WHERE WERE YOU?" Jay's voice boomed.
"Minding my business. You should do the same." I walked off.
"Excuse me." He said. I kept walking. Forget him AND his new wife. Why are they even in my house. I'm not giving them no type of blessing. And even though jasmine was my bestfriend. She beter not ask me anything bout helping or being in there wedding.


*the next day*
I woke up and did my hygiene as usual. Then quickly pulled on my pink pink shirt. With my white ripped jeans,pink and white jordans and gold hoops.

I ran downstairs grabbed a poptart and my keys

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I ran downstairs grabbed a poptart and my keys. I pulled up to school around 8:00 then walked to my locker. First thing I see is Jasmine and Jay sitting there swapping spit. Like come on I haven't even eaten but I want to throw up! I walked past them and was headed to Kay until some light skin boy stopped me.
"Hay umm do you know where room 147 is?" He said. I sized him down. And maaaannnnn. He was just cute!!! (Lucas in the mm)
"Aye ma take a picture and stop staring." He said laughing. And smirking at the same time.
"Ok." I said then pulled out my phone.
"Say cheese" i said. Then took the picture.
"I won't serious." He said laughing.
"O well come on." I said then started walking. We walked to class and then sat down. He leaned over.
"I'm lucas by the way." He whispered in my ear.
"And I'm kayla." I whispered back. We talked all the way threw class. We had all our classes together so that was a plus. We walked in to lunch laughing while lucas just fired mr.young.
"His old tale. Probably firin a cat right now." He said. I hit him in his chest then walked over to our table.
"Hay." Kay said watching me sit down.
"Hay who are they." I said looking at the girls sitting at our table.
"O right. This is ryah,diamond,and brooklyn. Guys this is kayla." She said while pointing at the girls. We all said our hays then lucas came and sat down. It just got real quite at the table.
"O guys this is lucas." I said pointing at him.
"Lucas this is kay,ryah,diamond,and brooklyn." I said pointing at them each. Lucas just gave them his cute smile. And started to go through his phone. I got up and dragged lucas to the line. We got half way there before he stopped me.
"I don't eat school food let's go to mcdonalds." He said.
"I'm more in a chipotle kinda mood." I said then he just smiled and we walked back to the table.
"You guys wanna come with us to chipotle." I said. They all nodded. They grabbed there stuff then we all walked to lucas truck. I sat in the front. While kay,ryah,and diamond sat in the middle. And brooklyn wanted to sit in the back with lucas friend iziah. We pulled up and i got a call from jay. I answer then walked inside and started at the picture on the wall. And kept wondering who I would be when I grew up. I honestly don't know. Jay interrupted my thoughts.

"Where you at kay!!" he had a attitude but I don't care.
"Do you really care or you just wanna start a fight?" I said. While walking behind lucas. He looked at me then i told him what i wanted and walked away.
"I honestly care... didn't you hear?" He caught my attention.
"Hear what?"
"A little girl just died in a car wreck. She was walking to mcdonald for lunch and a big truck hit her. I thought it was you cause your not at school. And i saw you walk out." My eyes grew wide.
"Oh....well I'm at chipotle with some friends." I sair. He seemed genuine.
"O well have good time I guess." He said then hung up. My mom called me after that.
"Hello." I said.
"Hay. So your dad's going out of town and i wanted to know if you wanna have a sleep over? Its friday so your friends should be free." She said. My mom doesn't really know about all the problems with jay. Or that we even dated. He never even met my mom. I was gonna take him today but then he dropped that bomb on me about jas the other day. And since there never home i think he thought i lived by myself.
"Omg yes!!! We can have cupcakes, and nachos, and cookies, and SCARY MOVIES!" I was so excited. Nobody has ever been over but kay cause my dad doesn't trust alot of people. To know where he lays his head.
"Kk I'll tell joy to start cooking now." She said. Joy was our cheff. And man she can throw down in the kitchen.
"I'll tell the girls." I smiled widely. Then hung up. Every body was looking at me. I walked over to the table and sat down.
"Girl what's up and why you smiling like that." Kay said laughing.
"Ok yall so look sleep over. My house. Tonight!!" I said. They all said yea then we started talking bout other stuff. I got there numbers then texted them my address. Yes i invited lucas and his friend. I mean she never said it only could be girls. And ain't nothing gonna happen. I'm so excited my first sleepover!! I know, I'm too big for this but i never got to have one as a kid.

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