Chapter seventeen

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As soon as we pulled up to his house I jumped out the car and headed inside. I headed up stairs and hoped in the shower. Honestly something doesn't feel right. Our life has been going really well since I got back and we haven't fought in a while. But why do I feel like something big is about to happen. After ten minutes I jumped out the shower and walked into the closet. I put on one of Jay's shirts and some sweat pants. The house was weridly quite and that was kinda scaring me. I walked down the stairs to see jay no where to be found. It didn't even look like he came in. So I walked out side and the baby was still in the back seat. Yet jay was no where to be found. I grabbed the baby and made my way back into the house. I called jay and he didn't answer. Next thing I knew half of his crew was busting threw the door.
"What is wrong with yall!" I said getting up. They all had a panicked look on there faces. There were murmuring around the room but no one even looked at me.
"Hello!" I said getting a little frustrated.
"They took him kay" One of his men said not even looking at me. My heart was breaking into a million pieces. Some body just started a war and i promised you they aren't gonna win this one.

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since they took him and I'm starting to freak out. I still don't know who took him or why. And the fact that his baby momma is all in my face isn't helping. I swear just yesterday I was about to punch her in the throat talking bout some. Who are you and why do you have my baby. Why you all up on my man instagram page cause i know you aint his girl. He would never go wit some one as ugly as you. He know better than to be with a hood rat.
If I wasn't holding her son we would've been fighting like there was no tomorrow. But anyway I woke up and did my hygiene and got ready for my day. I pulled on my black leather pants shirt and jacket before grabbing some black heels and walking out my room. I walked downstairs grabbed my keys and my phone. Then drove down to the trap. I walked past juju,derek,sam, and sean. Before I made it to his office. After about five minutes everybody started piling in. Since jay was gone I had taken over of course I had some problems at first with some of the guys. But honestly I don't care either they can help me or they can die trying not to.
"Now who has something that might actually help me." I said in the past few days. All the guys had been going through all the traps close to us and shooting them up. Yet we still ain't find jay. I was really starting to get annoyed with the fact that we weren't making any progress.
"Well we got a letter today that I think may help." Juju said stepping up and handing it over. Reading the first line made me cringed. I could feel my jaw tighten and my teeth gritting against each other.
(The note)
Look kay I got yo lil boy toy. And I'm tried of playing games so either you come and do what you gotta do or your little boy toy won't live much longer. And remember we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours.
(The end)
Looking at this note I knew who sent it. And the thought of him brought back so much hate that my blood was boiling inside of me.
"Go look up the biggest mafia in LA and find out as much as you can!" My voice boomed threw the crowd.............................
They just started a war and were gonna end it. By 6:00 we had everything ready to go. All the guys loaded all the cars packed and everybody said by to there loved ones. There's no promises that we'll all come back alive and they know that. We pulled up to the ware house and the first car hopped out. I jumped out and kicked the door down. We started to shoot every body in sight. By 6:25 everybody in there was dead. Except daniel.
"So I see you finally came for your little boy toy." He said from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw that he had jay at gun point. While I had him at gun point. Next thing I knew juju came up behind him and shot daniel right in his head.
"Good job juju." I said while running over to jay. He still had a shocked look on his face as I hugged him tight. I gathered all the guys and we headed out.
"How. Did. Uhh." Jay stuttered. I just laughed as I laid my head on his shoulder. I had my man back. For now.

I'm in love with a thug(COMPLETED) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now