Chapter five

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Last night me and Kayla went out on a date. Or at least I hope it was a date I had a lot of fun with her she made me happy and I seemed to do the same for her. I woke up this morning with her laying on my chest I don't remember a lot of what happened last night. The last thing I remember was carrying Kayla to my room. I slowly tried to get up but she wouldn't move which meant I was stuck. I looked down at Kayla laying on my chest and I couldn't help but smile but she needed to get up so I could go to work. I gently shook her trying to make her wake up but all she did was turn over. I could've just left her sleeping in my bed but I knew she had school today. Plus her phone kept going off with texts from her dad and I didn't want me to be the reason why she was in trouble. I shook Kayla a lot harder and she fell of the bed.

"What is wrong with you." She screamed as she popped up from off the floor.
"Wake up you gotta go to school. Just put on one of my shirts." I said hopping out of my bed and throwing a shirt at her. She quickly got up and ran to the shower.


I cant believe I slept at jay's house my dad is going to murder me. Especially if jasmine doesn't come through with this lie. Last night I texted her to tell my dad i was staying with her cause I didn't feel to well after the movie. I hope he believes it and I don't get caught cause i really dont wanna fuss with him right now. I hopped in the shower and played too good by drake. After listening to p.y.t by wale and you was right by lil uzi vert. Jay started yelling about me running up his water bill and what not so I hopped out the shower and put on my emergency underwear. I quickly wrapped a towel around me tightly and walked back into the room. I looked through the door to see Jay wasn't in there so i walked over to his closet to pick out which shirt I wanted to wear. The shirt he threw at me was way to big. As I reached my arms up into his closet my towel slowly eased off of me. And the crazy part was that at the same time jay walked in the room.
"Woahhh." He said as he walked into the room and saw me.
I quickly grabbed his red,black, and white shirt and pulled it over my wet hair. His shirt was so long I could've worn it as a dress. But instead I grabbed my shoes and ran to his car. I had brought an emergency bag In case of emergency from that movie. I grabbed my white ripped jeans and my white studded heels and ran back in the house. As I walked back in I watched jay in the kitchen eating toast and just out of Instinct I took it out his hand a took a bite. He gave me a look like really wanted that bite of toast but I didn't care I ran back up the stairs and tried to put my pants on. I was hopping and pulling all over his room. I guess I was pretty loud cause he came in saying.
"Are you good." As he saw me jumping around he started laughing.
"Come help me!" I said. He came towards and gripped the front of my pants. And he pulled them right up I felt kind of mad that he did it that easily. He walked past me to his closest. I saw another one of the shirts I was wearing. He grabbed it and went to the bathroom. I just guessed he was bout to take a shower so I grabbed my purse and went down stairs. All he ate was some toast so I grabbed some eggs, some pancake mix, and bacon. I cracked the eggs and put salt and pepper in the bowl. Then read the directions for the pancakes and followed them correctly. After I threw the eggs and bacon all in a pan. I waited for it to all finish and started to pour the pancakes into perfect circles. Yea I almost burned a few but when I thought they were still edible I made jay and I each plates. He came down the stairs as soon I had placed the food on the table.
"Here you go." I said sitting down and starting to eat.
"Dang girl if I knew you cooked after dates I would've asked you out while on the ladder." He said. I gave a quick laugh as I continued to eat my food. "What you wanna do today?" He asked as he sat down. "Well don't we have school?" I asked him looking confused.

"Yea but who says we have to go."
"Um me we're going to school." I said grabbing his plate and putting it in the sink.
"But I don't wanna." He said placing his arms around me.
"Well that's too bad ain't it come on." I said walking towards the door and motioning for him to follow. He reluctantly followed me out the house and locked the door as I stood by his car.

I'm in love with a thug(COMPLETED) BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now