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Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter world, all rights go to J.K Rowling. I do however own my original character Nova Malfoy and her background.

Water filled her lungs as she thrashed around in its depths. Her petite arms flailed around trying the reach the surface as she felt herself sink deeper and deeper. Her vision became hazy as she screamed and cried; water burned in her lungs as her heart pounded faster and faster trying to salvage all the oxygen it could. Her head felt as though it might explode as black spots appeared in front of her eyes. Her limbs grew weary as they struggled desperately against the waves, her muscles burned as the current tossed her small body violently and salt water seared her pores. A rotten hand grabbed her ankle as she stared at it, frozen in fear and with one swift pull, she was whisked into the dark abyss of the ocean.

The window of her room shattered inwards as a strangled scream burst out of her and she shot up in her bed, clutching at her throat as she gasped hastily for air. She had relived that memory every night since the day it happened at the tender age of five. The moment she hit the surface of the waves was the moment her life changed forever. A traumatic event can cause a witch or a wizard to lose control of their power and that was exactly what happened to the young girl. She became a ticking time bomb; the slightest upset or accidental fixation activated her magic. She would obliterate things with a single look and destroy everything she touched and it was completely beyond her control. 

The wooden door to her bedroom soon flew open to reveal her twin brother who looked disheveled. The darkened rings that framed his eyes stood out against his pale skin and his white blonde hair sat messily to one side. His grey eyes scanned the room before landing on his sister, look of sheer terror in her eyes stirred something deep within his heart and as he stepped over the broken glass and took her into his arms he felt hopeless. He worried for her. Over the last few months she had been improving significantly in her lessons and her accidents were down to a minimum, their father had even agreed to her attending Hogwarts with him this year but the Manor was awoken every night to the screams that accompanied her night terrors and the smashing of windows.

Outside of her dreams, fear was never something that bothered the young witch but she saw it in her presence every day. She saw it in her brother's eyes in that moment. Her fellow witches and wizards walked on eggshells around her, terrified that they would set her off and she would bring about their demise. Nova hated what her life had become, some would revel in the power that she possessed over magic and mankind alike but the kind-hearted girl wanted nothing more than to be normal. However, normality was nothing more than a fantasy that goaded her every thought.

Nova Malfoy had grown up to be beautiful and kind – incredibly different from the reputation of her family. She had grown to be the black sheep in every sense of the word. In appearance, she looked nothing like a Malfoy, instead she had inherited the dark hair and grey eyes from her mother's side: The Blacks. This had disappointed her father, his bloodline had always been a strong one and it showed in their son's appearance and nature but his daughter was a Black through and through. Narcissa often noticed the similarities between Nova and Sirius; she looked just like him, from her facial expressions to the kindness and bravery that shone through her smile to the cheeky glint in her eye. Secretly, the woman was pleased that one of the twins had inherited her genetics although she would never voice that aloud. The spiritual side of woman believed that the similarities between her cousin and her daughter were linked to their names as both meant bright stars. Her family had a tradition of naming their children after celestial stars but when Narcissa had named her twins, she had no idea how apt the young witch's name would be. A nova is a star that suddenly increases in brightness and then fades and after her husband had rescued their drowning daughter, her magic began to do just that. In magical ability Nova was extremely powerful for her age. She had a flare for potions like her father, however she had also shown the much rarer gift of Legilimency, the ability to magically navigate through another's mind. This power manifested after the unhinging of the young girl's magic and only grew stronger as she slowly regained her control. It takes a very skilled witch or wizard to use Legilimency wordlessly and without the use of a wand and Lucius began to suspect that that was what had peaked Lord Voldemort's interest in his daughter.

The Dark Lord had risen and was recruiting the newest generation of Death Eaters. He had made it clear that he wanted one of Lucius' twins, if not both, and had begun to show an increasing interest in Nova. She possessed magic that her brother could only dream of and if there was anything in the world that Voldemort craved it was power; he wanted to bend the youngest Malfoy to his own will. Lucius was always terrified of The Dark Lord, so much so that his boggart would take his shape and so he was willing to do whatever was asked of him. However, one thing that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did not expect was the power of protection from the love of a twin. Draco had vowed that he would take Voldemort's offer and complete any task given to him on the promise that Nova would be allowed to choose her own path. He had ruined his sister's life from the moment he pushed her into the stormy sea and he promised himself that he would spend the rest of his life protecting her to make up for that. His father was astounded, declaring that his sister would do as every Malfoy before her and would serve proudly. His mother however shared his apprehension, she would rather that none of her children were involved with the Death Eaters but as she saw the determination in her son's eyes she knew he had already made up his mind.

As the sun shone through the broken window, the twins pulled apart. Their father had an important meeting with You-Know-Who at the Manor and Draco's presence had been requested. Nova slid out her bed, pulled her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her wand from her bedside cabinet.

"Reparo." she whispered pointing it at the hole where her window had been. She smiled lightly as the glass that littered her floor slowly drifted back into the frame.

The young witch's curiosity got the better of her as she tiptoed down the stairs, her bare feet padding on the marble floors. She could hear the muffled voices of a group of people in the drawing room and pressed her ear against the door as she struggled to listen. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she closed her eyes and held her breath trying to silence her strong heartbeat. She could hear the snake-like tones of Voldemort echoing through the room as his followers listened intently. Prophecy. Harry Potter. Department of Mysteries. Lucius. Nova stepped back slightly at the mention of her father and tried to make meaning of the words she had caught. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around her mouth and she was forced back into the wall. Her eyes widened in shock as she reached for her wand only to meet the stern gaze of her brother. She left out a breath of relief as he let her go.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" He whispered urgently before glancing down the corridor as he prayed no one had heard him. "Go. Before anyone sees you."

She didn't need to be told twice. Her brilliant mind was reeling. The Dark Lord and his followers were planning something big; something involving a prophecy and Harry Potter and it killed her that she only had a few of the pieces to the puzzle. Nova would never understand how her father could blindly obey someone so cruel and she would never understand her family's principals. The youngest Malfoy was notorious for speaking out of turn, thus leading to a number of punishments at the hands of her father and as her hands trembled with adrenaline and she paced back and forth, her mind battling with itself, she knew that there would be no return if he found out her plans. There was a war coming and Nova knew in her heart that she hadn't been born on the right side.

She had made her decision. The pacing stopped and the room was soaked in silence; a silvery white bear appeared from the end of her wand. She needed to send a message, fast and undetected, so she sent her patronus to one of the only people she knew that she could trust with this.

Sirius, I need your help.



I've wanted to right a Harry Potter fic for so long and just decided to bite the bullet and go for it! Please let me know what you think :) xx

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