Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter world; all rights go to J.K Rowling. I do however own my original character Nova Malfoy and her story.


I am writing to express my deepest of apologies for doubting you when you told me that your aunt had escaped Azkaban. As I am sure you have heard, a number of his followers have escaped and in light of such events, a contact at the Ministry has confirmed that the person inhabiting her cell was nothing more than a very clever decoy.

I am sorry that this statement is exceptionally late but, I believe you. I believe in you and I feel terrible for making you feel alone.

It is a dangerous time to be in your position, now more than ever. Be careful, keep your friends close and refrain from doing anything stupid.

- Remus

Her grey eyes scanned the letter a number of times as she comprehended the man's apology. She knew that it was genuine for the most part but in reality, it was a mechanism for dealing with guilt and it was of no use to her. The mindless chatter that filled the Great Hall was nothing but an irritating buzz in her ears as she folded the letter and wordlessly placed it in the pocket of her robes, ignoring the inquisitive glances that Hermione and Harry threw her way. The wizarding world had been thrown into panic as it awoke from dreamless slumber to find that ten of the Dark Lord's followers had escaped from the confines of Azkaban and that panic spread like an infection through the minds of anyone who dared to read the Daily Prophet, anyone who was smart enough to realise that the Ministry was doing nothing about it.

Nova's eyes landed on the newspaper in front of her as is flaunted Bellatrix Lestrange's mugshot. The mad look in her black eyes and the unruly curls that were not unlike those that fell on her niece's shoulders, stuck out like a sore thumb and their simple presence, boiled the blood that ran beneath the youngest Malfoy's pale skin. As the chatter continued and her aunt's name flew through the hall like wildfire, her heartbeat pounded in her ears. As Neville's face contorted into a devastating frown and Hermione muttered about the blame that had been shifted to Sirius, Harry followed her stare as it remained fixed on the black and white photo of the madwomen. If she listened closely, her mind allowed her to hear the manic cackles as she watched her silent screams and her pitch black eyes that widened as they darted around the cell with every flash of the camera. Anger flashed over her as she recalled how it felt as each letter penetrated her skin and forced its way into her bones. A permanent reminder of her difference in ideals. A constant memento of her ability to think for herself.

As the tightrope that held her above the burning inferno of sheer anger snapped under the pressure of her thoughts, she snatched the paper out of her friend's hand. Swiftly crumpling it between her fingers with a strength that could bend iron, she took her rage out on the magical newspaper; destroying her aunt's face in the process. Her heart continued to batter her eardrums as her friends stared at her wide-eyed. Her jaw clenched and she closed her eyes, trying to grasp at the tiny tendrils of sanity that dangled in front of her eyes, tauntingly. She jumped as her clenched fists were covered by a larger, warmer hand. The gesture instantly soothed her, grounding her as she looked at the boy beside her with a soft and grateful smile.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Potter." A familiar voice rang out from behind them snapping their eyes away from each other. After a moment or two of staring at the boy defiantly, Harry looked to Nova – who had turned in her seat to face her brother – judged her expression, and reluctantly slid his hand away from hers. "What's wrong?" The older twin whispered, leaning down to his sister's level and placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked directly into the eyes that almost matched his own. He had known from the second that he glanced up from his breakfast that his sister was struggling with her emotions.

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