Chapter 31

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     Edgar strolled back into his favorite Thai restaurant close to five hours after he had left, confident that when he returned Jerome would have an update for him. Devon didn't even ask why his trip to the cop shop lasted so long, as he knew they had some tough questions for him. The news that they got an address from the buyer that Jessica was confident was her mother was big news. The address provided wasn't helpful as it was a P.O. Box, but that only seemed to excite Jerome more. He had traced the I.P. address of the bidder to learn that the person didn't even live in the same town as the box she was asking them to ship the necklace to. This led Jerome to believe someone was going through and inspecting her mail before eventually delivering to her at a later time. Jerome was very careful to trace the location of the computer, using more difficult means to get it that didn't raise any red flags with the people who were likely watching the subject and her computers like a hawk.

     Edgar was all smiles when he got the news, and he could tell Jessica was excited until he informed her she wasn't going. They had pictures of her mom, and would make an ID on their own. While the young lady wasn't impressed with the idea of being benched when it counted she understood after Edgar told her it wasn't safe, and she needed to stay in the background until they had things under control. After talking over the plan, Edgar took Devon aside for a little private conversation.

     "Do you have a problem with the revised plan?" Edgar asked once they had some privacy, "The others don't need to know about this part."

     Devon cracked an evil grin, "I have no problem with that at all. I made some calls, and we'll have some more muscle here tomorrow. They were close to my team and want a piece of these people as much as I do."

     "Well, let them know there is more in it for them than just revenge. This is a paying job and as the money man that means I'm in charge." Edgar said as he followed Devon out to the back behind the restaurant, "You still have that truck we used the last time we had to fake a delivery?"

     "Oh yeah," Devon confirmed, "That job worked so well for us there was no way in hell I was going to part with it. I've used that bugger to catch over a dozen bounties. You'd be surprised how trusting someone is when they see a truck that pro show up at their door. They hardly ever question it, especially when using stolen uniforms."

     "How soon can we get going?" Edgar said, eager to set a timetable.

     "We need to paint the truck." Devon said, "The trucks are usually updated often to prevent exactly what we're trying to get away with. I took the honor while you were gone to photograph a few trucks while they were parked outside. We're not the only people in town who love to take advantage of this place's lunch buffet."

     He pulled out his digital camera, and started to show Edgar some of the pictures. The trucks were updated only a tiny bit, only a few minor details but that's all it usually took.

     "That's not too bad," Edgar said as he looked at the photos, "Just need to add a fresh coat of paint and the new logo and we'll be good to go. Are the uniforms pretty much the same?"

     "They are." Devon said as he shifted to another photo, "They haven't changed those buggers in years. So I don't need to buy any new ones but I will need to shave and get a haircut. That's the only thing I don't like about this gig. Normally I'd have Tuck do the whole delivery thing, but since he's gone, one of us will have to do it."

     "We'll all be there for support." Edgar said, trying to be supportive, "And if things go according to plan, we'll net ourselves a few big fish. When does the rest of our new crew arrive?"

     "They'll be here tomorrow," Devin confirmed, "But I've got to warn you, the new crew is going to cost you another two hundred large. They come at the same price my team did."

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