Note from the Author

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     The novel you have just finished reading is fiction.

     The characters and their adventures were made up by the author (aka me) for the sole purpose of telling a story in the hopes that it entertained you, my readers.

     However, the conspiracy theories presented in this novel concerning the alleged crash of Flight 77 are quite real. There are many websites and video documentaries that present evidence that suggest whatever crashed into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 was not a Boeing 757. There are millions of people out there who believe these theories, and have been calling on the government launch a new, fully independent investigation into the attacks in both Washington and New York on September 11th, 2001.

     I'm not going preach or tell you what to think. My humble request is that you look up and examine the sites and videos I examined while doing the research for this book, and then draw your own conclusions. If you look at these sites, they will present some rather alarming theories and surprising evidence that to this day has not yet been refuted:

     This is just a small sample of the sites that are out there that look into the possible alternate theories to what happened on that infamous day. I personally don't know for sure what happened on September 11th, but the one thing I do know is that more investigating needs to be done. The questions we have need to be addressed and answered.

     Many questions that people want asked were not addressed by the 9/11 Commission. It was under funded, had no subpoena and no power to search for the truth. It was rigged from the beginning to fail. Right now the official story doesn't add up and even the FBI has recently admitted that they have no physical evidence implicating Bin Laden to the attacks, only his own alleged confessions which were never verified nor confirmed.

     So where does the evidence lead us? Take a look and find out.

     "Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." - Sir Winston Churchill

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