Chapter Eleven

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I stopped in the door frame between the living room and kitchen, as if someone had shot me with a bullet made of ice. I slowly turned on the balls of my feet to look at the face of the General once more. He continued down a list, that I might add also had Benut's name. I suddenly took shaky steps back towards the television and kneeled before it; all my limbs trembling. As the leader of the New America finished, he set the paper document on his desk and spoke.

"These people are mainly wanted for questioning. If they are not found before the 115 shuttle leaves, rewards will be given for any information on their whereabouts. I am to remind you we want these people alive, a large fine will be issued to anyone who attempts to kill them, or succeeds in doing so. This is all for tonight and I hope to get back to you immediately with any more information about shuttle 115's arrival to earth." The logo of the new America's flag played on the television once more, the screen blacked out for a moment before changing back to its regularly scheduled program.

"You know it's hard for me to believe that over a century and a half ago a journey like this would've taken them between thirty to fifty years but now it only takes them a single month."

I quickly whirled around and saw Benut leaning in the doorframe, watching me kneeled on the ground. Suddenly he must've taken into account the look of horror on my face because his features quickly changed over to seriously concerned and baffled.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I slowly tried to stand but I was still shaking.

Why would they want Kip, Jay and I? Surely they weren't still looking for us, not after three years! Didn't they have more important things to do? Surely mine and my sibling's whereabouts had to be at the bottom of the government's to-do list. Although, now hearing it from our leaders own mouth, it sounded like it wasn't.

But what were they going to do to us? They had to know that we already knew what occurred and the fate of our parents; it had been all over the tabloids for crying out loud! There was no possible way they wanted to question us about that. We hadn't even been aware of our fathers plans, only our mother had been.

Maybe they only wanted to know that we were still alive? It was a possibility, I suppose. But then, why Benut? It wasn't like he had a background like ours. He was sent here purposely, due to the laws now made from Grenons leaders. So why would he be called back? Maybe they'd found a change in his crime after all, and found that he'd been wrongly accused of whatever happened, like how I knew he was.

Or maybe...maybe they found it worse than before, maybe they planned on doing the same thing to him that they did to my parents. Or what if they knew he was with us, so now the general wanted him dead too.

I now looked up at Benut with trembling hands, a mixture of fear and intense anxiety knotted in my chest. Benut with his strong limbs and soft hands; Benut with his manly face but adolescent smile; Benut with his fast thoughts and even faster wit; Benut with his green eyes that were like an open book and turned his face into a simple page of emotions. No, I wouldn't be able to bear letting the government do to him what they'd done to my parents. Especially when I was more certain than anyone on Earth or Grenon that he was innocent.

I finally tried to focus my thoughts to my surroundings because I was trembling and silent for so long that Benut now held my face in his palms, begging me to answer him.

"Shea!" he finally cried out as I snapped back to reality.

I immediately jumped to my feet and looked him straight in the eyes as he also stood. I stared at him for a moment before I looked to Kip and Jay.

"Both of you go to the kitchen. Now!" I ordered. They both ran back to the kitchen where Max met them in the doorway. I then looked to Benut.

"We need to talk privately."

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